Postal Code Response Rates

This feature is available in the Direct Marketing option.

This technique uses results from a previous campaign to calculate postal code response rates. Those rates can be used to target specific postal codes in future campaigns. The Response field indicates who responded to the previous campaign. The Postal Code field identifies the field that contains the postal codes.

Example. Based on the results of a previous mailing, the direct marketing division of a company generates response rates by postal codes. Based on various criteria, such as a minimum acceptable response rate and/or maximum number of contacts to include in the mailing, they can then target specific postal codes.


Output from this procedure includes a new dataset that contains response rates by postal code, and a table and chart that summarize the results by decile rank (top 10%, top 20%, etc.). The table can be color-coded based on a user-specified minimum cumulative response rate or maximum number of contacts.

The new dataset contains the following fields:

  • Postal code. If postal code groups are based on only a portion of the complete value, then this is the value of that portion of the postal code. The header row label for this column in the Excel file is the name of the postal code field in the original dataset.
  • ResponseRate. The percentage of positive responses in each postal code.
  • Responses. The number of positive responses in each postal code.
  • Contacts. The total number of contacts in each postal code that contain a non-missing value for the response field.
  • Index. The "weighted" response based on the formula N x P x (1-P), where N is the number of contacts, and P is the response rate expressed as a proportion.
  • Rank. Decile rank (top 10%, top 20% , etc.) of the cumulative postal code response rates in descending order.

Postal Code Response Rates Data Considerations

Response Field. The response field can be string or numeric. If this field contains a value that indicates number or monetary value of purchases, you will need to create a new field in which a single value represents all positive responses. See the topic Creating a Categorical Response Field for more information.

Positive response value. The positive response value identifies customers who responded positively (for example, made a purchase). All other non-missing response values are assumed to indicate a negative response. If there are any defined value labels for the response field, those labels are displayed in the drop-down list. See the topic Value labels for more information.

Postal Code Field. The postal code field can be string or numeric.

To Obtain Postal Code Response Rates

This feature is available in the Direct Marketing option.

From the menus choose:

Direct Marketing > Choose Technique

  1. Select Identify top responding postal codes.
  2. Select the field that identifies which contacts responded to the offer.
  3. Enter the value that indicates a positive response. If any values have defined value labels, you can select the value label from the drop-down list, and the corresponding value will be displayed. See the topic Value labels for more information.
  4. Select the field that contains the postal code.
  5. Click Run to run the procedure.

Optionally, you can also:

  • Generate response rates based on the first n characters or digits of the postal code instead of the complete value
  • Automatically save the results to an Excel file
  • Control output display options