Excel options

The following options are available for exporting output in Excel format:

Create a worksheet or workbook or modify an existing worksheet. By default, a new workbook is created. If a file with the specified name already exists, it will be overwritten. If you select the option to create a worksheet, if a worksheet with the specified name already exists in the specified file, it will be overwritten. If you select the option to modify an existing worksheet, you must also specify the worksheet name. (This is optional for creating a worksheet.) Worksheet names cannot exceed 31 characters and cannot contain forward or back slashes, square brackets, question marks, or asterisks.

When exporting to Excel 97-2004, if you modify an existing worksheet, charts, model views, and tree diagrams are not included in the exported output.

Location in worksheet. Controls the location within the worksheet for the exported output. By default, exported output will be added after the last column that has any content, starting in the first row, without modifying any existing contents. This is a good choice for adding new columns to an existing worksheet. Adding exported output after the last row is a good choice for adding new rows to an existing worksheet. Adding exported output starting at a specific cell location will overwrite any existing content in the area where the exported output is added.

Layers in pivot tables. By default, inclusion or exclusion of pivot table layers is controlled by the table properties for each pivot table. You can override this setting and include all layers or exclude all but the currently visible layer. See the topic Table properties: printing for more information.

Include footnotes and captions. Controls the inclusion or exclusion of all pivot table footnotes and captions.

Views of Models. By default, inclusion or exclusion of model views is controlled by the model properties for each model. You can override this setting and include all views or exclude all but the currently visible view. See the topic Model properties for more information. (Note: all model views, including tables, are exported as graphics.)

To set Excel export options

  1. Make the Viewer the active window (click anywhere in the window).
  2. From the menus choose:

    File > Export...

  3. Select Excel as the export format.
  4. Click Change Options.