
Figure 1. Response rate table
Response rate table

The response rate table displays information for each profile group identified by the procedure.

  • Profiles are displayed in descending order or response rate.
  • Response rate is the percentage of customer who responded positively (made a purchase).
  • Cumulative response rate is the combined response rate for the current and all preceding profile groups. Since profiles are displayed in descending order of response rate, that means the cumulative response rate is the combined response rate for the current profile group plus all profile groups with a higher response rate.
  • The profile description includes the characteristics for only those fields that provide a significant contribution to the model. In this example, region, gender, and marital status are included in the model. The remaining fields -- age, income, education, and years at current address -- are not included because they did not make a significant contribution to the model.
  • The green area of the table represents the set of profiles with a cumulative response rate equal to or greater than the specified target response rate, which in this example is 7%.
  • The red area of the table represents the set of profiles with a cumulative response rate lower than the specified target response rate.
  • The cumulative response rate in the last row of the table is the overall or average response rate for all customers included in the test mailing, since it is the response rate for all profile groups.

The results displayed in the table suggest that if you target females in the west, south, and east, you should get a response rate slightly higher than the target response rate.

Note, however, that there is a substantial difference between the response rates for unmarried females (9.2%) and married females (5.0%) in those regions. Although the cumulative response rate for both groups is above the target response rate, the response rate for the latter group alone is, in fact, lower than the target response rate, which suggests that you may want to look for other characteristics that might improve the model.

Smart output

Figure 2. Smart output
Smart output

The table is accompanied by "smart output" that provide general information on how to interpret the table and specific information on the results contained in the table.

Figure 3. Cumulative response rate chart
Cumulative response rate chart

The cumulative response rate chart is basically a visual representation of the cumulative response rates displayed in the table. Since profiles are reported in descending order of response rate, the cumulative response rate line always goes down for each subsequent profile. Just like the table, the chart shows that the cumulative response rate drops below the target response rate between profile group 2 and profile group 3.
