CORRESPONDENCE is available in SPSS® Statistics Professional Edition or the Categories option.

CORRESPONDENCE displays the relationships between rows and columns of a two-way table graphically by a biplot. It computes the row and column scores and statistics and produces plots based on the scores. Also, confidence statistics are computed.


/TABLE = {rowvar (min, max) BY colvar (min, max)}
         {ALL (# of rows, # of columns)         }

[/SUPPLEMENTARY = [{rowvar (valuelist)}] [{colvar (valuelist)}]]
                   {ROW (valuelist)   }   {COLUMN (valuelist)}

[/EQUAL = [{rowvar (valuelist)}] [{colvar (valuelist)}]]
           {ROW (valuelist)   }   {COLUMN (valuelist)}

            {EUCLID }

                {CMEAN   }
                {RSUM    }
                {CSUM    }

[/DIMENSION = {2**  }]

                  {PRINCIPAL    }
                  {RPRINCIPAL   }
                  {CPRINCIPAL   }
                  {value        }


[/PLOT = [NDIM({value,value})]
               {value,MAX  }
         [RPOINTS[(n)]] [CPOINTS[(n)] [TRROWS[(n)]]
         [TRCOLUMNS[(n)]] [BIPLOT**[(n)]] [NONE]]

[/OUTFILE = [SCORE('savfile'|'dataset')] [VARIANCE('savfile'|'dataset')]

**Default if the subcommand or keyword is omitted.

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the CORRESPONDENCE command can be generated from the Correspondence Analysis dialog.

Release History

Release 13.0