Proximities in Matrices across Columns

If you select the proximities in matrices data model for either one source or multiple sources in the Data Format dialog box, then do the following:

  1. Select three or more proximities variables. (Be sure that the order of the variables in the list matches the order of the columns of the proximities.)
  2. Optionally, select a number of weights variables equal to the number of proximities variables. (Be sure that the order of the weights matches the order of the proximities that they weight.)
  3. Optionally, if there are multiple sources, select a sources variable. (The number of cases in each proximities variable should equal the number of proximities variables times the number of sources.)

Additionally, you can define a model for the multidimensional scaling, place restrictions on the common space, set convergence criteria, specify the initial configuration to be used, and choose plots and output.