Selecting Data Fields

The Select Data step controls which tables and fields are read. Database fields (columns) are read as variables.

If a table has any field(s) selected, all of its fields will be visible in the following Database Wizard windows, but only fields that are selected in this step will be imported as variables. This enables you to create table joins and to specify criteria by using fields that you are not importing.

Displaying field names. To list the fields in a table, click the plus sign (+) to the left of a table name. To hide the fields, click the minus sign (–) to the left of a table name.

To add a field. Double-click any field in the Available Tables list, or drag it to the Retrieve Fields In This Order list. Fields can be reordered by dragging and dropping them within the fields list.

To remove a field. Double-click any field in the Retrieve Fields In This Order list, or drag it to the Available Tables list.

Sort field names. If this check box is selected, the Database Wizard will display your available fields in alphabetical order.

By default, the list of available tables displays only standard database tables. You can control the type of items that are displayed in the list:

Note: For OLE DB data sources (available only on Windows operating systems), you can select fields only from a single table. Multiple table joins are not supported for OLE DB data sources.