Fields Tab (automated data preparation)

The Fields tab specifies which fields should be prepared for further analysis.

Use predefined roles. This option uses existing field information. If there is a single field with a role as a Target, it will be used as the target; otherwise there will be no target. All fields with a predefined role as an Input will be used as inputs. At least one input field is required. See the topic Roles for more information.

Use custom field assignments. When you override field roles by moving fields from their default lists, the dialog automatically switches to this option. When making custom field assignments, specify the following fields:

  • Target (optional). If you plan to build models that require a target, select the target field. This is similar to setting the field role to Target.
  • Inputs. Select one or more input fields. This is similar to setting the field role to Input.

To Obtain Interactive Data Preparation

To Obtain Automatic Data Preparation