Aggregation functions

Aggregation functions generate date and time intervals from values that were not read by date and time input formats.

  • All aggregation functions begin with DATE or TIME, depending on whether a date or a time interval is requested. This is followed by a subfunction that corresponds to the type of values found in the data.
  • The subfunctions are separated from the function by a period (.) and are followed by an argument list specified in parentheses.
  • The arguments to the DATE and TIME functions must be separated by commas and must resolve to integer values.
  • Functions that contain a day argument--for example, DATE.DMY(d,m,y)--check the validity of the argument. The value for day must be an integer between 0 and 31. If an invalid value is encountered, a warning is displayed and the value is set to system-missing. However, if the day value is invalid for a particular month—for example, 31 in September, April, June, and November or 29 through 31 for February in nonleap years—the resulting date is placed in the next month. For example DATE.DMY(31, 9, 2006) returns the date value for October 1, 2006. A day value of 0 returns the last day of the previous month.

DATE.DMY. DATE.DMY(day,month,year). Numeric. Returns a date value corresponding to the indicated day, month, and year. The arguments must resolve to integers, with day between 0 and 31, month between 1 and 13, and year a four-digit integer greater than 1582. To display the result as a date, assign a date format to the result variable.

DATE.MDY. DATE.MDY(month,day,year). Numeric. Returns a date value corresponding to the indicated month, day, and year. The arguments must resolve to integers, with day between 0 and 31, month between 1 and 13, and year a four-digit integer greater than 1582. To display the result as a date, assign a date format to the result variable.

DATE.MOYR. DATE.MOYR(month,year). Numeric. Returns a date value corresponding to the indicated month and year. The arguments must resolve to integers, with month between 1 and 13, and year a four-digit integer greater than 1582. To display the result as a date, assign a date format to the result variable.

DATE.QYR. DATE.QYR(quarter,year). Numeric. Returns a date value corresponding to the indicated quarter and year. The arguments must resolve to integers, with quarter between 1 and 4, and year a four-digit integer greater than 1582. To display the result as a date, assign a date format to the result variable.

DATE.WKYR. DATE.WKYR(weeknum,year). Numeric. Returns a date value corresponding to the indicated weeknum and year. The arguments must resolve to integers, with weeknum between 1 and 53, and year a four-digit integer greater than 1582. The date value returned represents the first day of the specified week for that year. The first week starts on January 1 of each year; so the date returned for any given week value will differ between years. To display the result as a date, assign a date format to the result variable.

DATE.YRDAY. DATE.YRDAY(year,daynum). Numeric. Returns a date value corresponding to the indicated year and daynum. The arguments must resolve to integers, with daynum between 1 and 366 and with year being a four-digit integer greater than 1582. To display the result as a date, assign a date format to the result variable.

TIME.DAYS. TIME.DAYS(days). Numeric. Returns a time interval corresponding to the indicated number of days. The argument must be numeric. To display the result as a time, assign a time format to the result variable.

TIME.HMS. TIME.HMS(hours[,minutes,seconds]). Numeric. Returns a time interval corresponding to the indicated number of hours, minutes, and seconds. The minutes and seconds arguments are optional. Minutes and seconds must resolve to numbers less than 60 if any higher-order argument is non-zero. All arguments except the last non-zero argument must resolve to integers. For example TIME.HMS(25.5) and TIME.HMS(0,90,25.5) are valid, while TIME.HMS(25.5,30) and TIME.HMS(25,90) are invalid. All arguments must resolve to either all positive or all negative values. To display the result as a time, assign a time format to the result variable.


  /Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Days.
2006 10 28 23 54 30 1.5
COMPUTE Date1=DATE.DMY(Day, Month, Year).
COMPUTE Date2=DATE.MDY(Month, Day, Year).
COMPUTE MonthYear=DATE.MOYR(Month, Year).
COMPUTE Time=TIME.HMS(Hour, Minute, Second).
LIST VARIABLES=Date1 to Duration.
  Date1 (DATE11) Date2 (ADATE10) MonthYear (MOYR8)
  Time (TIME8) Duration (Time8).
LIST VARIABLES=Date1 to Duration.

***LIST Results Before Applying Formats***
       Date1        Date2    MonthYear     Time Duration
 13381372800  13381372800  13379040000    86070   129600

***LIST Results After Applying Formats***
      Date1      Date2 MonthYear     Time Duration
28-OCT-2006 10/28/2006  OCT 2006 23:54:30 36:00:00
  • Since dates and times are stored internally as a number of seconds, prior to applying the appropriate date or time formats, all the computed values are displayed as numbers that indicate the respective number of seconds.
  • The internal values for Date1 and Date2 are exactly the same. The only difference between DATE.DMY and DATE.MDY is the order of the arguments.