zCX instance user data storage

User data volumes hold all Docker images, containers, and generated files in a zCX instance. This includes Docker volumes used by a container. At least one user data linear VSAM data set must be allocated. You must specify the number and size (in megabytes) of user data VSAM data sets. Additional user data volumes can be added to a zCX instance after provisioning by using the add data disks workflow. User data volumes allocated to a zCX instance cannot be removed without deprovisioning.

Table 1. z/OSMF workflow variables for user data set allocation
Variable Description Required? Default (if applicable)

This is the user data VSAM data set allocation size in megabytes for each VSAM data set allocation. The minimum required size for user data space use is 1000 MB.

Yes 20 GB

This is the number of user data VSAM data sets to allocate for a zCX instance. At least one user data linear VSAM dataset must be allocated. The maximum number of user data VSAM data sets that can be specified at a time is 10. You can add up to 245 total swap and data disks per zCX instance.

Yes 1
ZCX_DATAVOLSER This is the volume name to use for user data VSAM data set allocation. Maybe, depending on site installation requirements and if you are using SMS managed storage. Check with the storage administrator for more details.  
ZCX_DATASTORCLAS This is the STORCLAS to use for SMS managed storage VSAM data set allocation. Yes, if allocating a VSAM data set greater than 4 GB that needs extended addressability and SMS managed storage specification. SMS managed storage specification may be required depending on site installation requirements. Check with the storage administrator to obtain the STORCLAS specification.  
ZCX_DATADATACLAS This is the DATACLAS to use for user data VSAM data set allocation. This is required Yes, if allocating a VSAM data set greater than 4 GB that needs extended addressability specification. Extended addressability specification may be required depending on site installation requirements. Check with the storage administrator to obtain the DATACLAS specification.  
ZCX_DATAMGMTCLAS This is the MGMTCLAS to use for SMS managed storage user data VSAM data set allocation. SMS managed storage specification may be required depending on site installation requirements. Check with the storage administrator to obtain the MGMTCLAS specification.