Parallel workflow step automation

Some workflows are capable of executing steps in parallel, thus reducing the amount of time needed to complete. Both the provisioning workflow (provision.xml) and the add data disks workflow (add_data_disks.xml) are capable of parallel workflow step automation.

To take advantage of parallel workflow step automation, JES2 must execute the jobs submitted by the workflows in parallel. There are two ways to allow JES2 to run workflows in parallel:
  1. Configure JES2 with a job class that specifies DUPL_JOB=NODELAY, and configure the provisioning user's z/OSMF workflows default JOB statement by navigating to Actions then Customize JOB Statement in z/OSMF Workflow to reference the job class. This method allows all jobs with the same job name submitted by the workflow to run in parallel.
  2. During provisioning or reconfiguration of a zCX instance, set ZCX_UNIQUE_JOBNAMES in the zCX General Configuration to TRUE. This directs the workflow to use unique job names for the longer running jobs, allowing JES2 to run those jobs in parallel. When TRUE, the ZCX_UNIQUE_JOBNAME_PREFIX property allows the provisioning user to set a 1-3 character prefix for the generated job names.

Additionally, the provisioning user must run the workflow in parallel after performing the initial manual step or steps. The provisioning user can run the workflow in parallel by navigating to Actions then Start Parallel Automation in z/OSMF Workflow.