zCX instance diagnostic data storage

The diagnostics data (dlogs) linear VSAM data set will be used to hold diagnostic data, zCX instance logs, and FFDC information. Only one dlogs data linear VSAM data set can be allocated, and it is required for provisioning a zCX instance. The data set must be specified during provisioning and cannot be added, modified, or removed later.

Table 1. z/OSMF workflow variables for diagnostic data storage.
Variable Description Required? Default (if applicable)
ZCX_DLOGSMB This is the allocated size for each Dlog data VSAM data set diagnostics and logs space use in megabytes. The minimum size required is 1000 MB.   1000 MB
ZCX_DLOGS_COUNT This is the number of Dlogs data VSAM data sets allocated for IBM zCX appliance instance diagnostics and logs space use. Currently only one VSAM data set is supported for diagnostics and logs space use. The size of Dlogs Data VSAM data set is determined by the value specified in the ZCX_DLOGSMB variable field. Yes 1
ZCX_DLOGSVOLSER This is the name assigned to the Dlogs data VSAM data sets during allocation. Depends on site installation requirements and whether the data set uses SMS managed storage. Check with the storage administrator for more detail.  
ZCX_DLOGSSTORCLAS This is the Dlogs data VSAM data set STORCLAS for Dlogs data VSAM data set allocation. Yes, if allocating a Dlogs data VSAM data set that is larger than 4 GB and needs extended addressability and SMS managed storage specification.SMS managed storage specification may be required for VSAM data set allocation depending on site installation requirements. Check with the storage administrator to obtain the STORCLAS specification.  
ZCX_DLOGSDATACLAS This is the Dlogs data VSAM data set DATACLAS for Dlogs data VSAM data set allocation. Yes, if allocating a Dlogs data VSAM data set that is larger than 4 GB and needs extended addressability. Extended addressability specification may be required for VSAM data set allocation depending on site installation requirements. Check with the storage administrator to obtain the DATACLAS specification.  
ZCX_DLOGSMGMTCLAS This is the Dlogs data VSAM data set MGMTCLAS for Dlogs data VSAM data set allocation. =SMS managed storage specification may be required for VSAM data set allocation depending on site installation requirements. Check with your Storage Administrator to obtain the MGMTCLAS specification.