zCX registry and zCX instance directories

zCX registry

The zCX registry is a z/OS Unix System Services file system directory that stores information on all provisioned zCX instances. When a new zCX instance is provisioned, a unique zCX instance directory will be created inside the zCX registry. The zCX registry path must be defined by a system administrator on a sysplex-aware file system as part of the installation and configuration of z/OS Container Extensions. A system administrator also has the option to mount a sysplex-aware zFS.

The zCX registry path can be up to 30 characters long. The recommended path is /global/zcx_zos/instances. You can create the zCX registry using mkdir command in z/OS UNIX System Services. For example:
mkdir -p /global/zcx_zos/instances
All zCX provisioning users must have access to this registry.

The zCX registry is represented by the z/OSMF workflow variable ZCX_REGISTRY_DIR.

zCX instance directories

Each new zCX instance generates a zCX instance directory inside the zCX registry. A new zFS is allocated and mounted within each unique zCX instance directory. Each zCX instance directory holds instance-specific configuration information used to define and start the zCX instance, including the generated JSON file needed to start the instance as a task. A zCX instance directory also holds any first failure data capture (FFDC) information collected during runtime. The information in a zCX instance directory is used for backup configuration, reconfiguration, restore configuration, upgrade, rollback, and deprovisioning of a zCX instance. The zFS in a zCX instance directory is unmounted and deleted during deprovisioning.