zCX instance ROOT VSAM data set allocation

The zCX provisioning workflow allocates a linear VSAM data set to hold the zCX instance root image based on values of the variables described in this section.

Table 1. z/OSMF workflow variables for ROOT VSAM data set allocation
Variable Description Required? Default (if applicable)
ZCX_HLQ This is the high level qualifier used for VSAM data set and zFS allocation. The zCX z/OSMF provisioning workflow will construct the fully-qualified VSAM data set name and zFS filesystem using this specified high level qualifier, low level qualifiers, and the unique instance name. The value can be a maximum of 28 characters. Yes  
ZCX_ROOTMB This is the allocated size of the ROOT VSAM data set. The minimum size required is 4000 MB. Yes 4000 MB
ZCX_ROOTVOLSER This is the volume serial used for VSAM data set allocation. This value may be required if the data set is SMS managed. Check with your storage administrator for more details. This value may be required if the data set is SMS managed. Check with your storage administrator for more details.  
ZCX_ROOTSTORCLAS This is the root VSAM data set STORCLAS used for SMS managed ROOT VSAM data set allocation. This is required if allocating a ROOT VSAM data set larger than 4 GB and needs extended addressability and SMS specification. SMS specification may be required for VSAM data set allocation depending on site installation requirements. Check with your storage administrator to obtain the STORCLAS specification.  
ZCX_ROOTDATACLAS This is the root VSAM data set DATACLAS used for data set allocation. This is required if allocating a root VSAM data set that is larger than 4 GB and needs extended addressability. Extended addressability specification may be required for VSAM data set allocation depending on site installation requirements. Check with your storage administrator to obtain the DATACLAS specification.  
ZCX_ROOTMGMTCLAS This is the root VSAM data set MGMTCLAS used for SMS-managed root VSAM data set allocation. SMS managed storage specification may be required for VSAM data set allocation depending on site installation requirements.. Check with your storage administrator to obtain the MGMTCLAS specification.