zCX instance CONF VSAM data set allocation

The zCX provisioning workflow allocates a linear VSAM data set to hold the zCX instance configuration information based on values of the variables described in this section.

Table 1. z/OSMF workflow variables for CONF VSAM data set allocation
Variable Description Required Default (if applicable)
ZCX_CONFIGVOLSER This is the configuration VSAM data set volume serial used for CONFIG VSAM data set allocation. If the system uses SMS, then the volume name/serial based on installation requirements may be required. Check with the storage administrator for more details.  
ZCX_CONFIGMB This is the size of the zCX Configuration VSAM data set in megabytes. The specified size will be used to allocate the CONFIG VSAM data set. The minimum value is 2 MB.   2 MB
ZCX_CONFIGDATACLAS This is the configuration VSAM data set DATACLAS used for CONFIG VSAM data set allocation. Check with the storage administrator to obtain the DATACLAS specification. This is required when allocating a CONFIG VSAM data set greater than 4 GB that needs extended addressability specification. Depending on site installation requirements, extended addressability specification may be required for all VSAM data set allocation.  
ZCX_CONFIGSTORCLAS This is the configuration VSAM data set STORCLAS used for SMS-managed CONFIG VSAM data set allocation. This is required when allocating a ROOT VSAM data set greater than 4 GB that needs extended addressability and SMS specification. Depending on site installation requirements, SMS may be required for VSAM data set allocation. Check with the storage administrator and obtain the STORCLAS specification.  
ZCX_CONFIGMGMTCLAS This is the Config VSAM dataset MGMTCLAS to use for SMS managed storage Config VSAM dataset allocation. Depending on your installation requirements, SMS managed storage specification may be required for VSAM dataset allocation in your site. Check with your storage administrator and obtain the MGMTCLAS specification.