Change the ownership of APPN resources in the directory database:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramMODIFY procname,DIRECTRY,FUNCTION=UPDATE,ID= cdrsc_major_node_nameresource_name ,CPNAME=new_cp_name(new_cp_name,old_cp_name),NETSRVR=server_name,CPNAME=new_cp_name(new_cp_name,old_cp_name),NETSRVR=server_name

Delete a resource from the directory database:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramMODIFY procname,DIRECTRY,FUNCTION=DELETE,ID= cdrsc_major_node_nameresource_name


Operand Abbreviation


The MODIFY DIRECTRY (directory) command performs the following functions for the directory database:
  • Changes the ownership of APPN resources in the directory database. Logical units are owned by control points. (Both end nodes and network nodes can be control points.) End nodes are owned or served by network nodes. You can specify a new end node or network node as the owner of a logical unit, or you can specify a new network node as the owner of an end node. You can even specify a new end node as the owner of an LU and a new network node as the owner of that end node on a single command, in which case all of the logical units under the end node also are associated with the new network node.

    The information in the directory database is updated automatically when VTAM® receives new information about a resource. For example, if you specify a new end node as the owner of an LU, and then VTAM finds that the LU has moved to a different location, the database is updated with the LU's new location.

    Note: If you change the network node server for an LU, all the other LUs under the same end node will also have their network node server changed.

    You cannot change the resource type with this command. For example, you cannot turn a network node into an end node. If the resource specified by CPNAME or NETSRVR has a resource type that conflicts with the resource specified by ID, the update fails and an error message is issued.

    The CPNAME and NETSRVR operands can specify the same resource name. For example, a logical unit can be owned by a network node, in which case the network node serves as both the control point and the network node server for the logical unit.

  • Deletes resources from the directory database.

This command has no effect on corresponding CDRSC major nodes or minor nodes that have the same name as the resource specified by the ID operand. That is, the directory representation of the resource is changed, but the subarea representation of the resource is not changed.

This command is valid only when it is issued at a network node or an interchange node.


The procedure name for the command. If procname in the START command was specified as startname.ident, where startname is the VTAM start procedure and ident is the optional identifier, either startname.ident or ident can be specified for procname.

If procname in the START command was startname, startname must be specified for procname.

Specifies the new owning control point for the resource or resources named in the ID operand and the old owner that it replaces. The CPNAME operand is valid only when FUNCTION=UPDATE is specified. The owning CP can be either a network node or an end node.
You can specify network-qualified names on the CPNAME operand. If you do not, the host's network ID will be used as the network qualifier.
Specifies the name of the new control point that owns the resources.
Specifies the name of the control point that previously owned the resources and the new owning control point. If old_cp_name is specified, only those resources whose owning control point matches old_cp_name are changed. If old_cp_name is not specified, the owning control point name for the specified resources is changed to new_cp_name, regardless of the previous value.
Specifies the function to be performed by this command. The FUNCTION operand is required.
Updates the database to reflect a new owning end node (CPNAME), or network node (NETSRVR), or both for the resource named in the ID operand.
Deletes the resource named in the ID operand from the directory database. If ID specifies the name of a CDRSC major node, this command deletes the directory representation of each minor node that was predefined with a CPNAME in the major node.
Specifies the name of the resource (either an individual APPN resource or a CDRSC major node) that is to be updated or deleted.

The name specified on CPNAME or NETSRVR cannot match the name specified on ID, unless ID is a major node. If ID is a major node, then the name specified for ID can match the name specified for CPNAME or NETSRVR; however, if there is a minor node with the same name as the major node, the update will fail for that minor node.

If the resource specified on the ID operand is not found in the database, an error message is issued.

You can specify a network-qualified name on the ID operand. If you do not, the host's network ID is used as the network qualifier.

If the resource is a CDRSC major node, this command affects the directory representation of each minor node that was predefined with a CPNAME in the major node. For example, you could enter:
where CDRSC2A is the name of a CDRSC major node that contains several resources that are now owned by control point SSCP2A. Model CDRSCs do not have a directory representation, but any model CDRSC in a CDRSC major node will be updated so that future clone CDRSCs built from that model CDRSC will be affected by this command.
Specifies the new network node server for the resource or resources named in the ID operand. The NETSRVR operand is valid only when FUNCTION=UPDATE is specified.

You can specify a network-qualified name on the NETSRVR operand. If you do not, the host's network ID is used as the network qualifier.