Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramMODIFY procname,CHKPT,TYPE=ALL,TYPE=ALLDIRTOPO


Operand Abbreviation


The MODIFY CHKPT (checkpoint) command saves a copy of the directory database or the topology database (or both) to a checkpoint data set. During a VTAM® recycle, you can restart VTAM with a current list of resources. (VTAM also takes checkpoints during HALT and HALT QUICK processing, but not during HALT CANCEL.) As the checkpoint for each affected data set is completed, a message is issued that indicates whether the checkpoint was successful. The message provides the name of the data set that was updated.

This command is valid only when it is issued at a network node or an interchange node.

When you issue this command for the directory database (TYPE=DIR or TYPE=ALL), VTAM first cleans up the database, then saves it. Cleanup means that dynamic resources that have not been used in some period of time (default 8 days) are deleted from the database. Only dynamic resources that have been the target of a search are then saved. You can change the period of time by using the MODIFY VTAMOPTS command to reset the DIRTIME start option. For more information about the MODIFY VTAMOPTS command, see the MODIFY VTAMOPTS command. For more information about the DIRTIME start option, see the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference.

When you issue this command for the topology database (TYPE=TOPO or TYPE=ALL) VTAM saves all network topology except non-native nodes, end nodes, and endpoint TGs.


The procedure name for the command. If procname in the START command was specified as startname.ident, where startname is the VTAM start procedure and ident is the optional identifier, either startname.ident or ident can be specified for procname.

If procname in the START command was startname, startname must be specified for procname.

Identifies the APPN database to save using a checkpoint.
Writes the directory database to a data set.
Writes the topology database to a data set.
Writes both the directory database and the topology database to a data set.