Placing a console online or offline

Use the following form of the VARY command to make a secondary console either online as an I/O device or offline. As a device, it will become inactive as a console. This command can be used to make an SMCS console offline, however, it cannot be used to make an SMCS console online.
Note: The VARY CN command is the recommended command to deactivate a console because it has sysplex scope. This VARY command only has system scope.
V (conspec[,conspec]...),{OFFLINE|ONLINE}
conspec is the console device to be moved online or offline and is specified as one of the following:
The device number of the console device.
The device number of the console device preceded by the literal ‘O-’ to designate a device with output-only capability.
The name of the console device as specified in the CONSOLxx Parmlib member CONSOLE statement (for example, ‘TAPECNTL’)
The name of the console device as specified in the CONSOLxx Parmlib member CONSOLE statement preceded by the literal ‘O-’ to designate an output-only device (for example, ‘O-TAPEPRNT’).
The lowdevnum is the device number of an input/output device that is the lower bound of a range of device numbers and highdevnum is the device number of an input/output device that is the upper bound of the range.

The various types of conspec can be specified in any combination. If you specify only one conspec, you do not need to enter the parentheses.

A device number is 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits, optionally preceded by a slash (/). You can precede the device number with a slash to prevent ambiguity between the device number and a console name.

The system is to bring the specified device(s) online. If the specified device is a console, this command will de-activate it as a console.
The system is to take the specified device(s) offline. If the specified device is a console, this command will de-activate it as a console.

Example 1:

To take consoles 003 and 001 offline, enter:
V (003,001),OFFLINE

Example 2:

To take consoles 3322,340A offline, enter:
V (/3322,/340A),OFFLINE