Displaying information about all subsystems (SSI)

Use the DISPLAY SSI command to display the following information about all subsystems defined to MVS™:
  • Whether the subsystem is dynamic
  • Whether the subsystem is active
  • For a dynamic subsystem, whether it accepts or rejects dynamic SSI commands such as SETSSI.
  • For an active subsystem, the function codes it supports.

An operator can use keyword filters to specify the information to be displayed from those subsystems that meet the specified criteria. For example, an operator may choose to display information about a particular subsystem by specifying its name.

The output from the DISPLAY SSI command is a multi-line message. It is written to the console from which the command was issued or to the specified console.


     [,{FUNC|F}=funclist                                ]
     [,{SUBSYS|SUB}=subsysname                          ]



Displays information about all subsystems defined to the SSI.
Displays the LIST output format, which includes the following information for each subsystem defined to the system:
  • Whether the subsystem is dynamic
  • Whether the subsystem is active
  • For a dynamic subsystem, whether the subsystem accepts or rejects dynamic SSI commands such as SETSSI.

The LIST format is the default keyword.

ALL or A
Displays the ALL output format. This output is the same as the LIST format except that.the system includes a sub-list after each list element. The sub-list contains a list of function codes to which the subsystem responds.

For the output messages of the DISPLAY SSI command, see message IEFJ100I.

DYNAMIC or DYN or D=YES or Y or No or N
Displays either dynamic or non-dynamic subsystems. If dynamic, the subsystem can use dynamic SSI services. See z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem Interface for more information on dynamic SSI requests.
FUNC or F=funclist
Displays those subsystems that respond to the function codes specified. The funclist value can be either a number no greater than three digits or a list of numbers no greater than three digits. The list of numbers must be separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. For example, you can specify FUNC=3 or FUNC=(18,5,100).

You can use the FUNC parameter with either the LIST parameter or the ALL parameter. For either format, only those subsystems which respond to all the specified function codes appear in the display. If you use the ALL format, the list of function codes for each subsystem displayed is the complete list of all the function codes to which that subsystem responds. If you specify the FUNC parameter, inactive subsystems or subsystems without a vector table do not appear in the display.

Displays subsystems whose status is either active or inactive. Specifying ACTIVE or ACT means that displayed subsystems accept function requests directed to it by the SSI. Specifying INACTIVE or INACT or I means that displayed subsystems do not accept function requests directed to it by the SSI.
SUBSYS or SUB=subsysname
Displays information about the subsystem whose name matches the specified pattern. The pattern could be the name of the subsystem or it could contain wildcard characters.
Subsystem names that are not enclosed in apostrophes may contain any character that is valid for operator commands, with the following exceptions:
  • , comma
  • ( left parenthesis
  • ) right parenthesis
  • / slash
  • = equals sign

Subsystem names containing these characters must be enclosed in apostrophes.

Subsystem names that contain any character that is not valid for operator commands must be enclosed in apostrophes. See MVS system commands reference for a list of characters supported by commands.

You can specify an asterisk (*) or question mark (?) anywhere in the subsystem name. An asterisk (*) is a wildcard character used to replace 0 or more characters to obtain a matching name. A question mark (?) is a wildcard character used to replace one character to obtain a matching name. For example, if a system has subsystems JES2, JESA, A, SS2 and J specified: SUBSYS=JES* causes JES2 and JESA to appear in the display. SUBSYS=J* causes JES2, JESA and J to appear in the display. SUBSYS=*S2 causes JES2 and SS2 to appear in the display. SUBSYS=?S2 causes SS2 to appear in the display. SUBSYS=* causes all the subsystems to appear in the display. Note that specifying SUBSYS=* has the same effect as not specifying the SUBSYS parameter at all.

Also, you can specify the character string '!PRI' rather than a subsystem name, which causes the system to display only the primary subsystem.

L=a, name, or name-a
Specifies the display area (a), console name (name), or both (name-a) where the display is to appear.

If you omit this operand, the display is presented in the first available display area or the message area of the console through which you enter the command.

  1. You cannot use the same parameter twice within a command.
  2. A command line cannot be longer than 126 characters.


Example 1:
To display information for all the subsystems defined to the system which:
  • Are currently active
  • Can use dynamic SSI services
without including the list of function codes to which the subsystems respond, enter:
Example 2:
To display information for every subsystem whose name begins with 'JES' and include the list of function codes for each subsystem, enter:
Example 3:
To display information for every subsystem that responds to function codes 9 and 10 and include the list of function codes for each subsystem, enter:
D SSI,A,FUNC=(9,10)
Note: If a display in response to the command is greater than 65,533 lines, the system will truncate the output. If this happens, re-enter the DISPLAY SSI command using parameters to decrease the size of the display. For example, if D SSI,ALL yields a display that is too large, you can use D SSI,LIST to display subsystems without listing the function codes to which they respond. Then use D SSI,ALL,SUBSYS=subsysname to display the function codes for the particular subsystems of interest one subsystem at a time.