Displaying system requests (R)

Use the following form of the DISPLAY command to display outstanding messages requiring operator action. These messages include WTOR messages, action messages saved by AMRF, action messages issued by the communications task, and action messages that were not displayed on all necessary consoles. You can request that the system display:
  • The immediate action messages (descriptor codes 1 or 2), eventual action messages (descriptor code 3), and critical eventual action messages (descriptor code 11)
  • The device numbers of devices waiting for mount requests to be fulfilled
  • The device numbers of devices waiting for operator intervention
  • The status of the action message retention facility
  • An alphabetical list of key names of outstanding action messages
  • The messages issued by a specified system
  • The messages that await operator response at a specified console
  • The messages that have specific routing codes
The following list summarizes how to use the operands on the DISPLAY command to retrieve and display information:
  • The U operand displays information about devices and units.
  • The I, E, CE, R, and M operands display outstanding action messages.
  • The LIST, L, ALL, and A operands display combinations of information.
  • The KEY operand displays an alphabetical list of key names of outstanding action messages.

The resulting display is described in messages IEE112I (successful result) or IEE312I (unsuccessful result).


D R[,U                                                                    ]
    |[,I        ][,msgformat][,MSG=msgid][,SYS=sysname][,KEY=keyname]
    |[,         ][,JOB=jobname]
    |,E             [,CN={name|(ALL)}][,ROUT={ALL|(rrr[,sss]...)    }
    |,CE                                        {(rrr-sss[,rrr-sss]...)}
                                            (See Note)
Note: If you supply all commas between DISPLAY R and the operands that have equal signs, you get default values. However, supply only one comma before the L operand, even if you omit the preceding operands. For example, DISPLAY R,I,L=RICK-B.

Because TSO consoles in OPERATOR mode do not route messages by console IDs or routing codes, do not use the ROUT or CN operands on DISPLAY R commands issued from these consoles.


The system is to display information about outstanding action messages (that is, messages with descriptor codes 1, 2, 3, or 11), WTORs, and devices awaiting mount requests to be fulfilled, and units requiring intervention. Information includes either the text of all outstanding action messages and WTORs, a summary of key names associated with the outstanding action messages, or device numbers. The system also displays a number that represents the total of all outstanding WTORs or action messages.

If the issuing console has master authority, the system displays, on the issuing console, all outstanding WTORs. Otherwise, unless you specify the CN parameter on the command, the system displays information about only those messages that appeared on the console that issues the DISPLAY R command.

Consoles of some subsystems, such as NetView®, must specify the CN=(ALL) parameter to ensure displaying all outstanding requests.

Optional subparameters are:

Display the texts and message identification numbers of all outstanding immediate action messages (descriptor codes 1 or 2).
Display the texts and message identification numbers of all outstanding eventual action messages (descriptor code 3).
Display the texts and identification numbers of all outstanding critical eventual action messages (descriptor code 11).
Display the texts and message identification numbers of all messages awaiting replies (WTORs).
Display the texts and message identification numbers of all immediate action, eventual action, and critical eventual action messages, and messages awaiting replies.
LIST or L or ALL or A or blank
Display the texts and message identification numbers of all immediate action, eventual action, and critical eventual action messages and messages awaiting replies. Also display the device numbers of devices with unfulfilled mount requests and any units requiring operator intervention.
Display the device numbers of devices with unfulfilled mount requests and any units requiring operator intervention.
Specifies the information that is to accompany messages when they are displayed on a console. The possible values of msgformat are:
Display the message text with the job name or job ID of the message issuer. If JES3 is the primary subsystem and is running in XCF-local mode, this option displays the job name, but not the job ID.
Display the message text with only the job name of the message issuer. If JES3 is the primary subsystem and is running in XCF-local mode, JN has the same effect as J.
Display only the text of each message.
Display the message text, the name of the system that sent the message, and the job name or job ID of the message issuer. If JES3 is the primary subsystem and is running in XCF-local mode, this option displays the jobname, but not the job ID.
Display the system name and the job name of the message issuer. If JES3 is the primary subsystem and is running in XCF-local mode, SN has the same effect as S.
Display the message text with the time stamp, the name of the system that sent the message, and the jobname or job ID of the message issuer. If JES3 is the primary subsystem and is running in XCF-local mode, this option displays the jobname, but not the job ID.
Display the message text with the time stamp, the name of the system that sent the message, and the jobname of the message issuer. If JES3 is the primary subsystem and is running in XCF-local mode, TN has the same effect as T.
The format of a message that includes all message format options is:
Time stamp  System name  Jobname/id  Message text

Default: For MCS, HMCS, SMCS and extended MCS consoles, the default message format differs depending on the primary subsystem. If it is JES2, the default format is defined by the MFORM setting for the console. (You can use the CONTROL S command (K S,MFORM) to change the MFORM setting.) If it is JES3, the default message format option is S. You can use the CONTROL command to change the default for MCS, HMCS and SMCS consoles.

M is the default message format option for extended MCS consoles. To change the default value for extended MCS consoles, use the RACF® command, ALTUSER userid OPERPARM(MFORM(T,S,J,M,X)). See z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference for more information.

The text of any action message awaiting a reply is to be displayed if the message identifier begins with the one to ten characters specified by msgid. Specify a trailing asterisk (*) wildcard to request messages for all message identifiers that match a leading character string.
The system requests the messages that are identified by a one to eight-character job name (jobname). Specify a trailing asterisk (*) wildcard to request messages for all job names that match a leading character string. For example, enter the following command to display outstanding messages requiring operator action for all job names that begin with the characters TSO1:
The system is to display messages that have appeared at the system named sysname or, if you also specify KEY, the key names of messages issued at the system with this name.

If you issue DISPLAY R,M,SYS=sysname from a console on the JES3 global, you get all messages for the system named sysname. (Note that the system retrieves the same information if you issue the DISPLAY R,L,SYS=sysname command. You cannot retrieve unit information from another system.)

If you issue DISPLAY R,M without the SYS=sysname operand, at an MCS, HMCS or SMCS console that also controls the JES3 global, the system displays all outstanding messages for that system and for the local systems attached to it. If you issue the same command at an MCS, HMCS or SMCS console that also controls a JES3 local or JES2 system, the system displays the messages only for that system.

The system displays an alphabetical list of key names associated with outstanding messages. The system also displays the total number of messages for each key name.
The system requests those messages that are identified by a one to eight-character key name (keyname), such as those messages issued by the specified dynamic support program (DSP) of JES3.
The system displays outstanding tape mount requests.
The system displays a set of messages and device numbers of devices awaiting mount requests to be fulfilled, and units requiring intervention, or, if you also specify KEY, a list of outstanding key names of messages that appear at a specified console or all consoles. These messages include those directed by routing code and those directed by console ID.

If you omit the CN operand, the default is the current console on which you enter the D R command.

Requests those outstanding action messages that the system directed to the console with the name name.
Requests the outstanding action messages that the system directed to all consoles. The parentheses are required.
The system displays only the outstanding action messages that have the specified routing codes. The system rejects the ROUT operand if you also request a summary of key names.
Requests messages with any routing code.
Requests messages with one or more routing codes.
Requests messages within a range of routing codes. When you specify a range of routing codes, the first rrr in the range must be less than or equal to the second sss.
Requests only those messages that the system directs to the console by console ID.
L=a, name, or name-a
Specifies the display area (a), console name (name), or both (name-a) where the display is to appear.

If you omit this operand, the display is presented in the first available display area or the message area of the console through which you enter the command.


Example 1:
To display the identification numbers and texts of all unanswered system requests, the device numbers of all devices waiting for mount requests to be fulfilled, and the device numbers of all devices waiting for operator intervention in area A of the console named CON2, enter:
D R,L,L=CON2-A   or   D R,A,L=CON2-A
Example 2:
To display the identifications and texts of all unanswered requests for operator action or reply that begin with identifier IEF in the first available area of the console through which the command is entered, enter:
Example 3:
To display the total number (and not the texts) of outstanding action messages, WTORs, devices awaiting mount requests to be fulfilled, and units requiring intervention, enter:
Example 4:
To display all outstanding action and WTOR messages that have routing codes 1-12, enter:

If the console is defined to receive, for example, only routing codes 1 and 2, the display includes only messages with those routing codes.

Example 5:
To display a summary of all key names currently active and the number of outstanding messages associated with each key name, enter:
Example 6:
To display the text of the outstanding message associated with the key name TAPE listed in response to the command in Example 5, enter:
Example 7:
To display the system names, job IDs, and message texts of all messages issued at any system within a JES3 complex, enter from a console with master authority:
Example 8:
To display all outstanding messages issued on system SY2:

The system also displays numbers of devices that await mount requests and units requiring intervention.

Example 9:
To display all outstanding messages directed specifically to the console named CON02, excluding messages that were directed to the console by default, enter:

The system also displays numbers of devices that await mount requests and units requiring intervention.

Example 10:
To display all outstanding messages directed specifically to the console named CON04 by any routing code, enter:
DISPLAY R,ROUT=ALL    issued from console CON04
DISPLAY R,ROUT=ALL,CN=CON04   issued from another console
Example 11:
To display all outstanding messages with their job names, enter:
Example 12:
To display all outstanding messages whose job names begin with the characters CICS®, enter: