Statements and parameters for IGGCATxx

Specifies whether resource contention monitoring for a resource is active or inactive for catalog requests and, if active, how long the system should allow a catalog request to wait before notifying the operator and (optionally) redriving the request.
resource specifies the name of a resource and can be any of:
  • ALLOCLCK, which is an internal CAS lock that serializes access to CAS allocation task responsible for most catalog allocation events.
  • SYSIGGV2, which is used to serialize access to associated catalog records.
  • SYSZTIOT, which is used to control access to task input/output table resources.
  • SYSZVVDS, which is used to serialize access to associated VVDS records. The SYSZVVDS reserve, along with the SYSIGGV2 reserve, provide a mechanism to facilitate cross system sharing of catalogs.

minutes is the wait time in minutes. Valid values range from 0 minutes (minimum) to 65535 minutes (maximum). Specifying 0 (zero) for minutes makes resource contention monitoring inactive for that resource. Any value from 1 through 4 is reset to 5 minutes. Any value greater than 9999 is reset to 9999 minutes.

action is the action to be taken when the specified wait time is exceeded. action can be either N (for notify only) or R (for redrive and notify). When redrive is active, the first time a service task with an active resource passes the contention threshold, the service task is abended, and the request is resubmitted to catalog for processing.

The default for all resources is active with threshold at 10 minutes and an action of notify only. These values determine the default for contention resources at IPL and post CAS RESTART. When no parmlib values exist at IPL, the resource is set to active with threshold of 10 minutes and action of notify only. On CAS RESTART, in the absence of a parmlib value, the resource retains whatever values it had before restart.

Specifies the MLA search level. ALIASLEVEL has a default value of 1, with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4.
Specifies whether the autoadd function is enabled when the first connection is made to the coupling facility by the catalog address space.
Default: OFF
Specifies the maximum number of catalogs that can be opened concurrently in CAS. When the limit is exceeded, the least recently accessed catalog is closed, freeing the CAS storage it had occupied. They remain allocated, but in restart status with no CAS storage. If the new limit is less than the previous limit, all currently open catalogs are closed.

The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 9999. The number that is specified for nnnn is in decimal.

While the maximum value of 9999 can be specified, it is highly recommended that the value does not exceed the number of open data sets for an address space as determined by the size of the TIOT specified in ALLOCxx (allocation system defaults) for a description. For example, if a 32K TIOT is specified, then it is recommended that CATMAX be set to no higher than 1635. Similarly for a 64K TIOT, the recommended maximum would be 3273.

Specifies whether you want the warning message IDC1997I or IDC1998I when attempting to use the DELETE VVDS RECOVERY or DELETE USERCATALOG FORCE command.
Default: YES
Specifies whether you want the system to issue message IDC1999I if a DELETE UCAT RECOVERY command is attempted.
Default: NO
Specifies if you want to enable syntax checking on names being added to a catalog.
Default: YES
Specifies whether dynamic dumps are available. The default is OFF.
Specifies the return (rc) and reason codes (rsn) to take a dump on if a match is found in a valid catalog module (mod). The optional cnt value specifies to capture a dump on the nth occurrence of the condition (one to three characters from 1 to 999). The default for cnt is 1.
Specifies if you want to enable the ability to create extension records for user catalog aliases on the current system.
Default: NO
Specifies whether to enable GDG extended support (YES) or not (NO). The default is NO.

Do not enable GDG extended support until you are confident that you will remain on z/OS V2R2 or higher, and that all shared systems are z/OS V2R2 or higher.

Default: NO
Specifies whether the GDG allocation order feature is enabled. The default is NO.

The GDG order feature allows the user to specify FIFO or LIFO (default) for the order in which the GDS list is returned for data set allocation when the GDG name is supplied on the DD statement.

Default: NO
Specifies what the default for DEFINE GDG should be when neither the PURGE nor the NOPURGE parameter is specified.
Default: NO
Specifies what the default for DEFINE GDG should be when neither the SCRATCH nor the NOSCRATCH parameter is specified.
Default: NO
The specified value is preserved across a CAS restart and is applied at IPL. You can also change this value with a CAS restart.

The default is NOTIFYEXTENT(80). A percentage value of zero indicates that the monitoring for extent usage is suppressed. If a catalog exceeds 90% utilization of the maximum extents, the system issues message IEC361I even if the threshold was set to zero.

Specifies if you want to enable SYMREC record creation.
Default: YES
Specifies whether SYS% to SYS1% conversion is enabled.
Default: OFF
Specifies the high-level qualifier of a tape volume catalog. Valid characters are alphanumeric (A-Z and 0-9) and national (@,#,$) characters.
Default: SYS1
Specifies the upper limit for the user service task used that is by the catalog address space (CAS), which is the maximum number of non-CAS concurrent service requests that can run at any given time.
  • The value for TASKMAX cannot be higher than 90% of the CAS Service Task Table (TASKTABLESIZE) value that is specified in the SYS1.NUCLEUS(SYSCATxx) member or 90% of the TASKTABLESIZE value that is optionally specified in the IGGCATxx parmlib member. TASKMAX defaults to 90% of the TASKTABLESIZE value in effect, with a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 360.
  • The value for TASKMAX cannot be lower than the lower limit of the service task used by the catalog address space that is specified in SYS1.NUCLEUS(SYSCATxx) or SYS1.PARMLIB(LOADxx) members. The default for the lower limit is 60.

You can display both the upper limit and the lower limit of the user service task by issuing the F CATALOG,REPORT catalog command. Use the MODIFY CATALOG command to decrease the TASKMAX value or restore it to 90% of the maximum number of concurrent catalog requests value that is specified in the SYSCATxx member or 90% of the value that is defined in IGGCATxx. The new value that is specified on MODIFY CATALOG is then in effect until the next IPL.

Restriction: If both TASKMASK and TAXTABLESIZE are included in IGGCATxx, TASKTABLESIZE must be specified first.
Specifies the lower limit on the number of catalog service tasks that can be concurrently run. TASKMIN has a default value of 60, with a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 180.
Specifies the maximum number of possible tasks that are running at a particular time. The number includes both catalog and non-catalog tasks. TASKTABLESIZE is an IPL only parameter. TASKTABLESIZE is ignored on a CAS restart (no error message is issued). TASKTABLESIZE has a default value of 200, with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 400.
Restriction: If both TASKMASK and TAXTABLESIZE are included in IGGCATxx, TASKTABLESIZE must be specified first.
Specifies whether you want the system to issue message IEC390I when a VSAM update request against a catalog was abnormally terminated. This message is intended to alert the installation that potential catalog damage might have resulted from the incomplete request.
Default: YES
Specifies the number of tracks for primary and secondary allocations that the catalog address space (CAS) should use for an implicitly defined VVDS. The specified values are preserved across a CAS restart and are applied at IPL. The maximum value for primary and secondary is 999.

If a zero secondary value is specified on a VVDSPSACE(pri,sec) parameter and the primary value is valid, then on an IPL, a default of 10 tracks is substituted for the secondary. On a restart of the catalog address space, the value that existed before the CAS restart is retained.

Default: VVDSSPACE(10,10)
Specifies whether you want to enable enhanced VVR checking on VVDS I/O.
Default: NO