Abstract for MVS IPCS User's Guide

Purpose of this information

This information describes how to use the interactive problem control system (IPCS). It explains how to start and use IPCS to analyze dumps and traces, and describes various functions and facilities that are available through IPCS.

This information does not try to explain MVS™ system concepts, such as error recovery or dumping and tracing services. Instead see the following topics for that information:

Who should read this information

This information is for anyone who performs diagnosis of software on an MVS system. Usually, this person is a systems programmer.

This information stresses the use of IPCS as an aid in dump and trace analysis, and assumes that the reader:
  • Understands basic MVS system concepts.
  • Can code JCL statements to run programs or cataloged procedures.
  • Can code in assembler language and read assembler, loader, and linkage editor output.
  • Understands commonly-used diagnostic tasks.
The audience for this information ranges from users who have no previous experience with IPCS to those who have extensive IPCS experience. Because of this wide range in experience level, this information is written with two groups of users in mind:
  • Users with little or no IPCS experience

    Users in this group need to understand what IPCS does and learn how to begin using IPCS to diagnose problems. If you are new, or nearly new, to IPCS, you might want to concentrate on Getting started with IPCS.

  • Experienced users

    Experienced users already know the basics of starting and using IPCS. Users in this group need information on some of the more sophisticated aspects of IPCS, so that they can obtain maximum benefit from its use. If you are an experienced user, you might want to browse Getting started with IPCS and concentrate on Using IPCS functions.