IEBCOPY Return Codes

IEBCOPY returns a code in register 15 to indicate the results of program execution. The return codes and their meanings are:
00 (X'00')
Successful completion.
04 (X'04')
One or more copy group operations ended unsuccessfully or were incompletely performed. Recovery may be possible.
08 (X'08')
An unrecoverable error exists. The utility ends.

IEBCOPY returns an eight-byte structure in register 0, containing an ABEND code and the associated reason code if an ABEND occurred in the FAMS (file access management services) component. Register 0 contains zeros if no ABEND occurred in that component. Note: ABENDs that occur in other tools or macros which IEBCOPY or FAMS reference (for example Binder or DESERV) are not reported in register 0.

If your program stores the eight-byte reason code from register 0 into storage, you can map it with the IEBCREAS macro. It contains these fields:

Table 1. IEBCREAS mapping macro
Offset Name Type Length Description
0 IEBRSN Character 8  
0 IEBRSN_AbndRsn Fixed 4 If IEBRSN_Abended is on, then ABEND reason code or reg 0 at time of ABEND.
4 IEBRSN_Flags Bitstring 1 Flags.
  IEBRSN_Abended 1... ....   IEBCOPY recovered from an ABEND. IEBRSN_AbndRsn is valid and IEBRSN_AbndCode contains the system or user ABEND code.
    .xxx xxxx   Reserved
5 IEBRSN_AbndCode Fixed 3 System completion code (first 12 bits) and user completion code (second 12 bits) in hexadecimal if IEBRSN_Abended is on.

Programs running in any addressing mode (AMODE) can see all eight bytes of the IEBCOPY reason code by using the STG instruction.