Steps for configuring an interface for the intraensemble data network (CHPID type OSX)

The intraensemble data network (IEDN) can be accessed through OSA-Express® for zBX (OSX) interfaces. The IEDN provides access to other images connected to the IEDN, and to applications and appliances running in an IBM® zEnterprise® BladeCenter Extension (zBX).

Before you begin

  • To access the IEDN, the IBM zEnterprise 196 (z196) central processor complex (CPC) and the logical partition (LPAR) must be configured as members of an ensemble.

    For information about using the ENSEMBLE start option to specify that an LPAR is a member of an ensemble (ENSEMBLE=YES), see z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference.

  • Before the OSX device can become active, the Hardware Management Console (HMC) must be configured in the following way:
    • The VLAN ID specified at the HMC must match the ID specified on the VLANID parameter of the IPAQENET or IPAQENET6 statement.
    • The HMC must have added the LPAR and CHPID combination to the definition for that VLAN.

    See the information about creating and managing virtual server networks in IBM z Systems® Ensemble Planning Guide.

  • To use a zBX with OSX, you must configure the zBX from the HMC to use addresses on the same network specified on the IPAQENET or IPAQENET6 statements.

    See the information about obtaining the pairing code for accelerator authentication in the IBM Smart Analytics Optimizer for Db2® for z/OS®: Installation Guide.


Perform the following steps to configure an interface for the IEDN:

  1. Specify CHPIDTYPE OSX on the INTERFACE statement for the IPAQENET or IPAQENET6 interface.
  2. Include the CHPID parameter to have VTAM® dynamically create the associated transport resource list element (TRLE) definition, and include the VLANID parameter.
    Unlike OSD interfaces, OSX interfaces must be associated with a specific VLAN, and can communicate only with other applications and images that have access to the same VLAN on the IEDN.

    The following example is a sample INTERFACE definition; adjust values as needed:

      MTU 8992     IPADDR
  3. For IPv6, if you connect an external router on this network, then you can use stateless address autoconfiguration. Otherwise, you must configure IPv6 addresses and prefixes manually.


For more information about configuring CHPID type OSX for IPAQENET and IPAQENET6 interfaces, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference. Some INTERFACE statement defaults are different for OSX interfaces than for OSD interfaces, and some INTERFACE statement parameters that apply to OSD interfaces do not apply to OSX interfaces.