FTP client error logging

If you activate FTP client error logging, message EZZ9830I provides the subcommand code, last reply code, and computed return code of any error that causes FTP to exit. Configure FTP to exit on error by using one of the following methods:
  • Specify the EXIT or EXIT=nn parameter on the FTP command
  • Code the CLIENTEXIT TRUE statement in the FTP.DATA file
Otherwise, client error logging drives message EZZ9830I.

The client error logging feature is enabled by specifying LOGCLIENTERR TRUE in the FTP.DATA data set used by the client.

Each subcommand has an EXIT_IF_ERROR flag. If you configure FTP to exit on error, the EXIT_IF_ERROR flag determines whether the FTP client exits when an error occurs. You can configure FTP to exit on error by using one of the following methods:
  • Specify the EXIT or EXIT=nn parameter on the FTP command
  • Code the CLIENTEXIT TRUE statement in the FTP.DATA file

See FTP subcommand codes for a list of FTP subcommand codes and their EXIT_IF_ERROR settings.

If the client session is interactive, the message is displayed on the user terminal. If the client session is not running in an interactive environment, the message appears in the system log and in the batch job log. The information contained in EZZ9830I includes:
  • The address space name.
  • The FTP subcommand code.
  • The last reply code from the server (or 000 if none).
  • Information about whether EXIT was specified when the client was started or the CLIENTEXIT TRUE statement was specified in the FTP.DATA file.
  • The type of computed return code.
  • The computed return code value based on the start parameters and configuration settings. It might not match the actual return code observed from the client.

Because EZZ9830I is written to the system log when the FTP client is running as a batch job, the message can be used to drive automation. The computed return code displayed in the message might be the EXIT=nn value, a standard return code, a client error code, or a client error code extended.

The standard return code can be derived from the FTP subcommand code and last reply from the server displayed in the message text. See z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 4 (EZZ, SNM) for the complete message format of EZZ9830I and an explanation of the computed return code value and the other fields in the message.