Shared Memory Communications - Direct multiple IP subnet support (SMC-Dv2)

z/OS® V2R4 Communications Server, with TCP/IP APAR PH22695 and SNA APAR OA59152, Shared Memory Communication - Direct Memory Access (SMC-D) is enhanced to remove the same subnet restriction by exploiting SMC-Dv2.

  • SMC-Dv2 is enabled with new IBM Z capability provided by the IBM Z Internal Shared Memory (ISM) function. The new ISMv2 capability is available on IBM z15. For IBM z15 T01, refer to the MCL number P46601.067 driver D41C. The ISMv2 support is in the base of the IBM z15 T02.
Downlevel SMC partners might require a toleration PTF. If you plan to enable SMC-Dv2 on a host which has connections to a down-level SMC (SMC-Dv1 or SMC-Rv1) system (z/OS Communications Server, Linux on Z, and AIX), the down-level host will require the following toleration maintenance applied prior to enabling SMC-Dv2:
Note: Failure to apply the proper toleration maintenance might result in connection hangs or failures when SMC-Dv2 is enabled on z/OS.

The PTF for z/OS IOS PCIe Services APAR OA59235 is required. Failure to apply that PTF will result in activation failures.

Using the Shared Memory Communications - Direct multiple IP subnet support (SMC-Dv2)

To use the Shared Memory Communications - Direct multiple IP subnet support (SMC-Dv2), perform the tasks in Table 1.

Table 1. Shared Memory Communications - Direct multiple IP subnet support (SMC-Dv2)
Task/Procedure Reference
Determine if using SMC will be a benefit in this configuration by using SMCAT. VARY TCPIP,,SMCAT about SMC Applicability Tool (SMCAT) in z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands
Configure SMCEID on the SMCGLOBAL parameter of the GLOBALCONFIG statement to enable z/OS CS exploitation of SMC-Dv2. GLOBALCONFIG statement in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference
Configure SYSTEMEID on the SMCD parameter of the GLOBALCONFIG statement to enable z/OS CS exploitation of SMC-Dv2. GLOBALCONFIG statement in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference
Display whether SMCEID values were specified on SMCGLOBAL by issuing the Netstat CONFIG/-f command. Netstat CONFIG/-f report in z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands
Display SMC version used for a connection or link. z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands:
Display all interfaces z/OS CS used for SMC communications. Netstat DEvlinks/-d report in z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands
Display information about the dynamic ISM TRLEs by issuing the D NET,ID=trle, or D NET,TRL,TRLE=trle command, which might now show **NA** for the PNETID. z/OS Communications Server: SNA Operation

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