LINE_STATUS—Query Source and Change Information for a Line in a Data Set

The LINE_STATUS assignment statement retrieves the source and change information for the data line specified by a line pointer, and places it in a variable. This information indicates how the line was originally added to the data, and how it has been changed during the edit session.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramISREDIT ( varname)  = LINE_STATUS linenumlabel
The name of a variable to contain the status string for the specified line. This is a 32-character variable containing character 1s and 0s:

Characters 1-7 are "source" information.

Character 1
Line is an original record (it existed when the edit session started)
Character 2
Line was created by the Move line command
Character 3
Line was created by the Copy or Repeat line command
Character 4
Line was created by the MOVE primary or macro command
Character 5
Line was created by the COPY primary or macro command
Character 6
Line was created by the TE line command
Character 7
Line was created by the Insert line command

Characters 8-14 are "change" information.

Character 8
Line was changed (one of these characters will also be set to show HOW the line was changed)
Character 9
Data on the line was typed over
Character 10
Data was changed by the CHANGE primary command or the Overlay line command
Character 11
Data was changed by the Column Shift line command [ used the (, ((, ), or )) command]
Character 12
Data was changed by the Data Shift line command [ used the <, <<, >, or >> command]
Character 13
Data was changed by the TE, TF, or TS line command
Character 14
The line was renumbered

Characters 15-32 are reserved for future use.

A relative line number identifying the data line.
A label identifying the data line.

Return codes

Normal completion
Line number not valid
Severe error


To determine if line number one of your data has changed and to display a message informing you of its status:

If linestat(1) = '1' Then
   Say 'Line is an ORIGINAL record'
   Say 'Line was created during this edit session'
If linestat(8) = '1' Then
   Say 'Line has been changed'
   Say 'Line has not been changed'