Understanding the Language Environment dump

The Language Environment dump service generates output of data and storage from the Language Environment runtime environment on an enclave basis. This output contains the information needed to debug most basic routine errors.

This sample illustrates a dump for enclave main. The example assumes full use of the CEE3DMP dump options. Ellipses are used to summarize some sections of the dump and information regarding unhandled conditions may not be present at all. Sections of the dump are numbered to correspond with the descriptions given in Sections of the Language Environment dump.

The CEE3DMP was generated by the C program CELSAMP shown in Figure 1. CELSAMP uses the DLL CELDLL shown in Figure 4.

Figure 1. The C program CELSAMP
#pragma options(SERVICE("1.1.d"),NOOPT,TEST(SYM))
#pragma runopts(TRACE(ON,1M,NODUMP,LE=1),HEAPCHK(ON,1,0,10,10))
#pragma runopts(RPTSTG(ON),HEAPPOOLS(ON))
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dll.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <leawi.h>
#include <ceeedcct.h>
pthread_mutex_t      mut;
pthread_t            thread[2];
int                  threads_joined = 0;
char *               t1 = "Thread 1";
char *               t2 = "Thread 2";
/*  thread_cleanup: condition handler to clean up threads            */
void thread_cleanup(_FEEDBACK *cond,_INT4 *input_token,
                    _INT4 *result, _FEEDBACK *new_cond) {
  /* values for handling the conditions */
  #define percolate   20
  printf(">>> Thread_CleanUp: Msg # is %d\n",cond->tok_msgno);
  if (!threads_joined) {
    printf(">>> Thread_CleanUp: Unlocking mutex\n");
    printf(">>> Thread_CleanUp: Joining threads\n");
    if (pthread_join(thread[0],NULL) == -1 )
      perror("Join of Thread #1 failed");
    if (pthread_join(thread[1],NULL) == -1 )
      perror("Join of Thread #2 failed");
    threads_joined = 1;
  *result = percolate;
  printf(">>> Thread_CleanUp: Percolating condition\n");
/*  thread_func: Invoked via pthread_create.                         */
void *thread_func(void *parm)
  printf(">>> Thread_func: %s locking mutex\n",parm);
  printf(">>> Thread_func: %s exitting\n",parm);
Figure 2. The C program CELSAMP (continued)
  dllhandle *          handle;
  int                  i = 0;
  FILE*                fp1;
  FILE*                fp2;
  _FEEDBACK            fc;
  _INT4                token;
  _ENTRY               pgmptr;
  printf("Init MUTEX...\n");
  if (pthread_mutex_init(&mut, NULL) == -1) {
    perror("Init of mut failed");
  printf("Lock Mutex Lock...\n");
  if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mut) == -1) {
    perror("Lock of mut failed");
  printf("Create 1st thread...\n");
  if (pthread_create(&thread[0],NULL,thread_func,(void *)t1) ==
-1) {
    perror("Could not create thread #1");
  printf("Create 2nd thread...\n");
  if (pthread_create(&thread[1],NULL,thread_func,(void *)t2) ==
-1) {
    perror("Could not create thread #2");
  printf("Register thread cleanup condition handler...\n");
  pgmptr.address = (_POINTER)thread_cleanup;
  pgmptr.nesting = NULL;
  token = 1;
  CEEHDLR (&pgmptr, &token, &fc);
  if ( _FBCHECK ( fc , CEE000 ) != 0 ) {
    printf( "CEEHDLR failed with message number %d\n",fc.tok_msgno);
  printf("Load DLL...\n");
  handle = dllload("CELDLL");
  if (handle == NULL) {
    perror("Could not load DLL CELDLL");
  printf("Query DLL with incorrect function name...\n");
  pgmptr.address = (_POINTER)dllqueryfn(handle,"name_not_in_dll");
  if (pgmptr.address != NULL) {
    perror("Found incorrect function name in DLL");
  printf("Query DLL...\n");
  pgmptr.address = (_POINTER)dllqueryfn(handle,"dump_n_perc");
  if (pgmptr.address == NULL) {
    perror("Could not find dump_n_perc");
Figure 3. The C program CELSAMP (continued)
 printf("Register condition handler...\n");
  pgmptr.nesting = NULL;
  token = 2;
  CEEHDLR (&pgmptr, &token, &fc);
  if ( _FBCHECK ( fc , CEE000 ) != 0 ) {
    printf( "CEEHDLR failed with message number %d\n",
  printf("Write to some files...\n");
  fp1 = fopen("myfile.data", "w");
  if (!fp1) {
    perror("Could not open myfile.data for write");
  fprintf(fp1, "record 1\n");
  fprintf(fp1, "record 2\n");
  fprintf(fp1, "record 3\n");
  fp2 = fopen("memory.data", "wb,type=memory");
  if (!fp2) {
    perror("Could not open memory.data for write");
  fprintf(fp2, "some data");
  fprintf(fp2, "some more data");
  fprintf(fp2, "even more data");
  printf("Divide by zero...\n");
  i = 1/i;
  printf("Error -- Should not get here\n");
Figure 4. The C DLL CELDLL
/* DLL containing Condition Handler that takes dump and percolates */
#pragma options(SERVICE("1.3.b.Start of change0001End of change"),TEST(SYM),NOOPT)
#pragma export(dump_n_perc)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <leawi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ceeedcct.h>
char wsa_array[10] = { 'C','E','L','D','L','L',' ','W','S','A'};
#define TITLE_STR "Sample dump produced by calling CEE3DMP"
void dump_n_perc(_FEEDBACK *cond,_INT4 *input_token,
                 _INT4 *result, _FEEDBACK *new_cond) {
  /* values for handling the conditions */
  #define percolate   20
  _CHAR80 title;
  _CHAR255 options;
  printf(">>> dump_n_perc: Msg # is %d\n",cond->tok_msgno);
  /* check if the DIVIDE-BY-ZERO message (0C9) */
  if (cond->tok_msgno == 3209) {
    memset(options,' ',sizeof(options));
    memset(title,' ',sizeof(title));
    printf(">>> dump_n_perc: Taking dump\n");
    if ( _FBCHECK ( fc , CEE000 ) != 0 ) {
      printf("CEE3DMP failed with msgno %d\n",fc.tok_msgno);
  *result = percolate;
  printf(">>> dump_n_perc: Percolating condition\n");

For easy reference, the sections of the following dump are numbered to correspond with the descriptions in Sections of the Language Environment dump.

[1]CEE3DMP V1 R13.0: Sample dump produced by calling CEE3DMP                          03/07/10 10:25:18 AM                 Page:    1
ASID: 0019   Job ID: JOB00014   Job name: CELSAMP    Step name: STEP1      PID: 33554435   Parent PID: 1   User name: MEGA
[2]CEE3845I CEEDUMP Processing started.
[3]CEE3DMP called by program unit //'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELDLL)' (entry point dump_n_perc) at statement 34 (offset +0000012E).
[4]Registers on Entry to CEE3DMP:
  PM....... 0100
  GPR0..... 00000000_265ED088  GPR1..... 00000000_265ECF28  GPR2..... 00000000_265ECF88  GPR3..... 00000000_2699A0FA
  GPR4..... 00000000_265ECF38  GPR5..... 00000000_2699A330  GPR6..... 00000000_00000002  GPR7..... 00000000_25E0E410
  GPR8..... 00000000_A5ECD622  GPR9..... 00000000_265E6148  GPR10.... 00000000_265EACDF  GPR11.... 00000000_A5F97290
  GPR12.... 00000000_25E16B48  GPR13.... 00000000_265ECE90  GPR14.... ********_A699A1F0  GPR15.... 00000000_A5EF8428
  FPR0..... 4DC5CB77  3FFA1D9D            FPR2..... 00000000  00000000
  FPR4..... 00000000  00000000            FPR6..... 00000000  00000000
  VR0...... 4DC5CB77 3FFA1D9D 00000000 00000000        VR1...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR2...... 18000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR3...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR4...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR5...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR6...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR7...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR8...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR9...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR10..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR11..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR12..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR13..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR14..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR15..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR16..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR17..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR18..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR19..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR20..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR21..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR22..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR23..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR24..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR25..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR26..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR27..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR28..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR29..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  VR30..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR31..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
      Storage around GPR0 (265ED088)
        -0020 265ED068  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 404040CC  |                               .|
        +0000 265ED088  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  25E0E438 CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 265ECF38  |..................U..........;..|
        +0020 265ED0A8  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  0000CCCC 265ECE90 265ED6E0 A5EF9240  |.....................;...;O.v.k |
      Storage around GPR1 (265ECF28)
        +0000 265ECF28  265ECF38 265ECF88 265ED088 CCCCCCCC  E2819497 93854084 A4949740 97999684  |.;...;.h.;.h....Sample dump prod|
        +0020 265ECF48  A4838584 4082A840 83819393 89958740  C3C5C5F3 C4D4D740 40404040 40404040  |uced by calling CEE3DMP         |
      Storage around GPR15(25EF8428)
        -0020 25EF8408  F0F3F1F9 F1F7F5F9 F0F0F0F1 F0C3F0F0  0007C8D3 C5F7F7F7 F0000000 00000000  |0319175900010C00..HLE7770.......|
        +0000 25EF8428  47F0F014 00C3C5C5 00000628 000030C8  47F0F001 90ECD00C C0B00000 17940D80  |.00..CEE.......H.00..........m..|
        +0020 25EF8448  EB000020 000C18A0 EB110020 000C1821  EBEE0020 000C183E EBFF0020 000C184F  |...............................||
[5]Information for enclave main
  [6]Information for thread 2625860000000000
  Registers on Entry to CEE3DMP:
    PM....... 0100
    GPR0..... 00000000_265ED088  GPR1..... 00000000_265ECF28  GPR2..... 00000000_265ECF88  GPR3..... 00000000_2699A0FA
    GPR4..... 00000000_265ECF38  GPR5..... 00000000_2699A330  GPR6..... 00000000_00000002  GPR7..... 00000000_25E0E410
    GPR8..... 00000000_A5ECD622  GPR9..... 00000000_265E6148  GPR10.... 00000000_265EACDF  GPR11.... 00000000_A5F97290
    GPR12.... 00000000_25E16B48  GPR13.... 00000000_265ECE90  GPR14.... ********_A699A1F0  GPR15.... 00000000_A5EF8428
    FPR0..... 4DC5CB77  3FFA1D9D            FPR2..... 00000000  00000000
    FPR4..... 00000000  00000000            FPR6..... 00000000  00000000
    VR0...... 4D000000 00000BD1 00000000 00000000        VR1...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR2...... 18000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR3...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR4...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR5...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR6...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR7...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR8...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR9...... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR10..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR11..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR12..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR13..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR14..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR15..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR16..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR17..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR18..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR19..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR20..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR21..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR22..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR23..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR24..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR25..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR26..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR27..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR28..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR29..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    VR30..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000        VR31..... 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
      Storage around GPR0 (265ED088)
        -0020 265ED068  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 404040CC  |                               .|
        +0000 265ED088  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  25E0E438 CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 265ECF38  |..................U..........;..|
        +0020 265ED0A8  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  0000CCCC 265ECE90 265ED6E0 A5EF9240  |.....................;...;O.v.k |
    DSA   Entry       E  Offset  Statement   Load Mod             Program Unit                   Service  Status
    1     dump_n_perc +0000012E  34          CELDLL               CELDLL                         Start of change1.3.B.0End of change  Call
    2     CEEPGTFN    +0000005A              CEEPLPKA                                                     Call
    3     CEEHDSP     +0000259A              CEEPLPKA             CEEHDSP                        HLE7770  Call
    4     main        +000009BA  150         CELSAMP              CELSAMP                        1.1.D    Exception
    5     EDCZMINV    +000000C2              CEEEV003                                                     Call
    6     CEEBBEXT    +000001B8              CEEPLPKA             CEEBBEXT                       HLE7770  Call
    DSA   DSA Addr   E  Addr    PU Addr    PU Offset  Comp Date  Compile Attributes
    1     265ECE90   2699A0C0   2699A0C0   +0000012E  20070105   C/C++     POSIX EBCDIC  HFP
    2     265ECDD8   25F97290   25F973F0   -00000106  20100319   LIBRARY    POSIX
    3     265E9CE0   25ECB180   25ECB180   +0000259A  20100319   CEL       POSIX
    4     265E9208   25E000C0   25E000C0   +000009BA  20070105   C/C++     POSIX EBCDIC  HFP
    5     265E90F0   2659CF6E   2659CF6E   +000000C2  20100319   LIBRARY    POSIX
    6     265E9030   25E92F60   25E92F60   +000001B8  20100319   CEL       POSIX
    Fully Qualified Names
    DSA   Entry       Program Unit                               Load Module
    1     dump_n_perc //'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELDLL)'                   CELDLL
    4     main        //'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELSAMP)'                  CELSAMP
    Start of changeFull Service Level
    DSA   Entry       Service
    6     dump_n_perc 1.3.B.0001End of change

  [8]Condition Information for Active Routines
    Condition Information for //'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELSAMP)' (DSA address 265E9208)
      CIB Address: 265EA5D8
      Current Condition:
        CEE3209S The system detected a fixed-point divide exception (System Completion Code=0C9).
        Program Unit: //'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELSAMP)'
        Entry:        main Statement: 150 Offset: +000009BA
      Machine State:
        ILC..... 0002    Interruption Code..... 0009
        PSW..... 078D2400 A5E00A7C
        GPR0..... 00000000_00000000  GPR1..... 00000000_A647FE0A  GPR2..... 00000000_265E92C5  GPR3..... 00000000_25E000FA
        GPR4..... 00000000_265E92C2  GPR5..... 00000000_25E00ED0  GPR6..... 00000000_00000000  GPR7..... 00000000_00000001
        GPR8..... 00000000_00000030  GPR9..... 00000000_80000000  GPR10.... 00000000_A659CF62  GPR11.... 00000000_A5E92F60
        GPR12.... 00000000_25E16B48  GPR13.... 00000000_265E9208  GPR14.... 00000000_A5E00A66  GPR15.... 00000000_00000012
    Storage dump near condition, beginning at location: 25E00A6A
      +000000 25E00A6A  4400C1AC 5800D0AC 41600001 8E600020  1D601807 5000D0AC 4400C1AC 58F039E2  |..A......-...-...-..&.....A..0.S|
      Storage around GPR0 (00000000)
        +0000 00000000    Inaccessible storage.
        +0020 00000020    Inaccessible storage.
        +0040 00000040    Inaccessible storage.
  [9]Parameters, Registers, and Variables for Active Routines:
    dump_n_perc (DSA address 265ECE90):
        new_cond         struct _FEEDBACK *
        result           signed long int *
        input_token      signed long int *
        cond             struct _FEEDBACK *
      Saved Registers:
        GPR0..... 265ED088  GPR1..... 265ECF28  GPR2..... 265ECF88  GPR3..... 2699A0FA
        GPR4..... 265ECF38  GPR5..... 2699A330  GPR6..... 00000002  GPR7..... 25E0E410
        GPR8..... A5ECD622  GPR9..... 265E6148  GPR10.... 265EACDF  GPR11.... A5F97290
        GPR12.... 25E16B48  GPR13.... 265ECE90  GPR14.... A699A1F0  GPR15.... A5EF8428
      Storage around GPR0 (265ED088)
        -0020 265ED068  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040  40404040 40404040 404040CC  |                               .|
      Local Variables:
        title[0..6]      unsigned char         'S'     'a'     'm'     'p'     'l'     'e'     ' '
        title[7..13]                           'd'     'u'     'm'     'p'     ' '     'p'     'r'
        title[14..20]                          'o'     'd'     'u'     'c'     'e'     'd'     ' '
        title[21..27]                          'b'     'y'     ' '     'c'     'a'     'l'     'l'
        title[28..34]                          'i'     'n'     'g'     ' '     'C'     'E'     'E'
        title[35..41]                          '3'     'D'     'M'     'P'     ' '     ' '     ' '
        title[42..48]                          ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '
                title[49..55] to title[70..76] elements same as above.
        title[77..79]                          ' '     ' '     ' '
        options[0..6]    unsigned char         'T'     'H'     'R'     'E'     'A'     'D'     '('
        options[7..13]                         'A'     'L'     'L'     ')'     ' '     'B'     'L'
        options[14..20]                        'O'     'C'     'K'     'S'     ' '     'S'     'T'
        options[21..27]                        'O'     'R'     'A'     'G'     'E'     ' '     'G'
        options[28..34]                        'E'     'N'     'O'     'P'     'T'     'S'     ' '
        options[35..41]                        ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '     ' '
                options[42..48] to options[245..251] elements same as above.
        options[252..254]                       ' '     ' '     ' '
        fc               struct _FEEDBACK
         tok_sev          signed short int   -13108
         tok_msgno        signed short int   -13108
         tok_case         unsigned:2                   3
         tok_sever        unsigned:3                   1
         tok_ctrl         unsigned:3                   4
         tok_facid[0..2]  unsigned char      '\xCC'  '\xCC'  '\xCC'
         tok_isi          signed int          -858993460
        __func__[0..6]   static unsigned char
                                               'd'     'u'     'm'     'p'     '_'     'n'     '_'
        __func__[7..11]                        'p'     'e'     'r'     'c'    '\0'
    main (DSA address 265E9208):
      Saved Registers:
        GPR0..... 00000000  GPR1..... A647FE0A  GPR2..... 265E92C5  GPR3..... 25E000FA
        GPR4..... 265E92C2  GPR5..... 25E00ED0  GPR6..... 00000000  GPR7..... 00000001
        GPR8..... 00000030  GPR9..... 80000000  GPR10.... A659CF62  GPR11.... A5E92F60
        GPR12.... 25E16B48  GPR13.... 265E9208  GPR14.... A5E00A66  GPR15.... 00000012
      Storage around GPR0 (00000000)
        +0000 00000000    Inaccessible storage.
  [10]Control Blocks for Active Routines:
    DSA for dump_n_perc: 265ECE90
      +000000  FLAGS.... 10CC      member... CCCC      BKC...... 265ECDD8  FWC...... 265ED0B8  R14...... A699A1F0
      +000010  R15...... A5EF8428  R0....... 265ED088  R1....... 265ECF28  R2....... 265ECF88  R3....... 2699A0FA
      +000024  R4....... 265ECF38  R5....... 2699A330  R6....... 00000002  R7....... 25E0E410  R8....... A5ECD622
      +000038  R9....... 265E6148  R10...... 265EACDF  R11...... A5F97290  R12...... 25E16B48  reserved. 00000000
      +00004C  NAB...... 265ED0B8  PNAB..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC
      +000064  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  MODE..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
      +000078  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
    DSA for CEEPGTFN: 265ECDD8
      +000000  FLAGS.... 10CC      member... CCCC      BKC...... 265E9CE0  FWC...... CCCCCCCC  R14...... A5F972EC
      +000010  R15...... 2699A0C0  R0....... 2660AB50  R1....... 25E0E438  R2....... 265EA5D8  R3....... 26999CE8
      +000024  R4....... 265ECDD8  R5....... 25ED009C  R6....... CCCCCCCC  R7....... CCCCCCCC  R8....... CCCCCCCC
      +000038  R9....... CCCCCCCC  R10...... CCCCCCCC  R11...... CCCCCCCC  R12...... CCCCCCCC  reserved. 00000000
      +00004C  NAB...... 265ECE90  PNAB..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC
      +000064  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  MODE..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
      +000078  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
    DSA for CEEHDSP: 265E9CE0
      +000000  FLAGS.... 0808      member... CEE1      BKC...... 265E9208  FWC...... 265ECDD8  R14...... A5ECD71C
      +000010  R15...... A5F97290  R0....... 26999CE8  R1....... 25E0E438  R2....... 265EA5D8  R3....... 25E0CF18
      +000024  R4....... 25ECFF70  R5....... 25ED009C  R6....... 00000002  R7....... 25E0E410  R8....... A5ECD622
      +000038  R9....... 265EBCDE  R10...... 265EACDF  R11...... A5ECB180  R12...... 25E16B48  reserved. 00000000
      +00004C  NAB...... 265ECDD8  PNAB..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC
      +000064  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  MODE..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
      +000078  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
    DSA for main: 265E9208
      +000000  FLAGS.... 10CC      member... CCCC      BKC...... 265E90F0  FWC...... 265E92E8  R14...... A5E00A66
      +000010  R15...... 2641988C  R0....... 25E011A4  R1....... 265E92A0  R2....... 265E92C5  R3....... 25E000FA
      +000024  R4....... 265E92C2  R5....... 25E00ED0  R6....... 265E92CC  R7....... 265E92D0  R8....... 00000030
      +000038  R9....... 80000000  R10...... A659CF62  R11...... A5E92F60  R12...... 25E16B48  reserved. 00000000
      +00004C  NAB...... 265E92E8  PNAB..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC
      +000064  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC  MODE..... CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
      +000078  reserved. CCCCCCCC  reserved. CCCCCCCC
    CIB for main: 265EA5D8
      +000000 265EA5D8  C3C9C240 00000000 00000000 010C0004  00000000 00000000 00030C89 59C3C5C5  |CIB .......................i.CEE|
      +000020 265EA5F8  00000002 265EA6E8 00030C89 59C3C5C5  00000002 00000000 265E9208 A601B000  |.....;wY...i.CEE.........;k.w...|
      +000040 265EA618  00000000 265E9208 25E00A7C 25E0E858  00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000  |.....;k....@..Y.................|
      +000060 265EA638  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +000080 265EA658 - +00009F 265EA677             same as above
      +0000A0 265EA678  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  40250400 940C9000 00000009 00000000  |................ ...m...........|
      +0000C0 265EA698  00000000 25E012E0 265E9208 265E9208  25E00A7A 00000000 00000000 00000001  |.........;k..;k....:............|
      +0000E0 265EA6B8  00000002 00000003 00000002 00000014  00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +000100 265EA6D8  00000008 25E0EA70 00000000 CCCCCCCC  E9D4C3C8 02000001 00000000 A647FE0A  |................ZMCH........w...|
  [11]Storage for Active Routines:
    DSA frame: 265ECE90
      +000000 265ECE90  10CCCCCC 265ECDD8 265ED0B8 A699A1F0  A5EF8428 265ED088 265ECF28 265ECF88  |.....;.Q.;..wr.0v.d..;.h.;...;.h|
      +000020 265ECEB0  2699A0FA 265ECF38 2699A330 00000002  25E0E410 A5ECD622 265E6148 265EACDF  |.r...;...rt.......U.v.O..;/..;..|
      +000040 265ECED0  A5F97290 25E16B48 00000000 265ED0B8  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |v9....,......;..................|
      +000080 265ECF10  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 265ECF38 265ECF88  |.........................;...;.h|
      +0000A0 265ECF30  265ED088 CCCCCCCC E2819497 93854084  A4949740 97999684 A4838584 4082A840  |.;.h....Sample dump produced by |
      +0000C0 265ECF50  83819393 89958740 C3C5C5F3 C4D4D740  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |calling CEE3DMP                 |
      +0000E0 265ECF70  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 E3C8D9C5 C1C44DC1  |                        THREAD(A|
      +000100 265ECF90  D3D35D40 C2D3D6C3 D2E240E2 E3D6D9C1  C7C540C7 C5D5D6D7 E3E24040 40404040  |LL) BLOCKS STORAGE GENOPTS      |
      +000120 265ECFB0  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
      +000140 265ECFD0 - +0001DF 265ED06F             same as above
      +0001E0 265ED070  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 404040CC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |                       .........|
      +000200 265ED090  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 25E0E438 CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC 265ECF38 CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |..........U..........;..........|
      +000220 265ED0B0  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 0000CCCC 265ECE90  265ED6E0 A5EF9240 A5EE99C8 265ED1F0  |.............;...;O.v.k v.rH.;J0|
    DSA frame: 265ECDD8
      +000000 265ECDD8  10CCCCCC 265E9CE0 CCCCCCCC A5F972EC  2699A0C0 2660AB50 25E0E438 265EA5D8  |.....;......v9...r...-.&..U..;vQ|
      +000020 265ECDF8  26999CE8 265ECDD8 25ED009C CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |.r.Y.;.Q........................|
      +000040 265ECE18  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 00000000 265ECE90  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |.............;..................|
      +000080 265ECE58 - +00009F 265ECE77             same as above
      +0000A0 265ECE78  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 10CCCCCC 265ECDD8  |.............................;.Q|
    DSA frame: 265E9208
      +000000 265E9208  10CCCCCC 265E90F0 265E92E8 A5E00A66  2641988C 25E011A4 265E92A0 265E92C5  |.....;.0.;kYv.....q....u.;k..;kE|
      +000020 265E9228  25E000FA 265E92C2 25E00ED0 265E92CC  265E92D0 00000030 80000000 A659CF62  |.....;kB.....;k..;k.........w...|
      +000040 265E9248  A5E92F60 25E16B48 00000000 265E92E8  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |vZ.-..,......;kY................|
      +000060 265E9268  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |................................|
      +000080 265E9288  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 25E011A4 25E01195  |...........................u...n|
      +0000A0 265E92A8  00000003 25E00EDC 269997F0 00000000  26929210 2692A450 00000000 00000000  |.........rp0.....kk..ku&........|
      +0000C0 265E92C8  00000000 00000002 26999CE8 00000000  00000000 00000000 265E6148 CCCCCCCC  |.........r.Y.............;/.....|
    DSA frame: 265E90F0
      +000000 265E90F0  10CCCCCC 265E9030 CCCCCCCC A6999D58  A5E000C0 265E9208 265E61E8 A659D030  |.....;......wr..v....;k..;/Yw...|
      +000020 265E9110  00000002 A5E93046 25E157B0 25E039EC  25E04330 00000030 80000000 A659CF62  |....vZ......................w...|
      +000040 265E9130  A5E92F60 25E16B48 00000000 265E9208  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |vZ.-..,......;k.................|
      +000060 265E9150  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |................................|
      +000080 265E9170 - +0000FF 265E91EF             same as above
      +000100 265E91F0  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 10CCCCCC 265E90F0  |.............................;.0|
  [12]Control Blocks Associated with the Thread:
    CAA: 25E16B48
      +000000 25E16B48  00000800 00000000 265E9018 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |.........;......................|
      +000020 25E16B68  00000000 00000000 25E12C28 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +000040 25E16B88  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +000060 25E16BA8  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 80011420 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +0003C0 25E16F08  00000000 00000000 A7F4FEE8 A7F40224  A5EBDBF0 A5FC2E58 A5F0E120 A5F8F8E8  |........x4.Yx4..v..0v...v0..v88Y|
      +0003E0 25E16F28  260D32E4 26999C28 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |...U.r..........................|
    Thread Synchronization Queue Element (SQEL): 25E0F158
      +000000 25E0F158  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  2660A930 00000008 2671C9E0 00000000  |.................-z.......I.....|
      +000020 25E0F178  25E16B48 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |..,.............................|
    CEEDLLF: 26999C28
      +000000  EYE...... CEEDLLF   VERSION.. 01        FLAGS.... 00        SIZE..... 0060      SERVICE.. 04
      +00000D  REFTYPE.. 02        LOADTYPE. 00        reserved. 00        padding.. 00000000  PREV..... 26999BC8
      +000018  padding.. 00000000  NEXT..... 269998C8  FBTOK_A.. 00000DF6  FBTOK_B.. 41C3C5C5  FBTOK_C.. 00000000
      +00002C  padding.. 00000000  padding.. 00000000  DLLNAME.. 26999C90  padding.. 00000000  SYMNAME.. 26999CA0
      +000040  DLLNMLEN. 00000006  SYMNMLEN. 0000000F  RETCODE1. 00000000  RSNCODE1. 00000000  RETCODE2. 00000000
      +000054  RSNCODE2. 00000000  reserved. 00000000  reserved. 00000000  CEEDLLF_DLL_NAME(26999C90)
      +0000 26999C90  C3C5D3C4 D3D3AAAA 26998000 00000018  |CELDLL...r......|
      +0000 26999CA0  95819485 6D9596A3 6D89956D 849393AA  |name_not_in_dll.|
    DUMMY DSA: 25E175F0
      +000000  FLAGS.... 0000      member... 0000      BKC...... 00006010  FWC...... 265E9030  R14...... A5E0451E
      +000010  R15...... A5E92F60  R0....... 7D000009  R1....... 265E61E8  R2....... 00000000  R3....... 00000000
      +000024  R4....... 00000000  R5....... 00000000  R6....... 00000000  R7....... A5E18000  R8....... 25E039E8
      +000038  R9....... 008E6B28  R10...... 00000000  R11...... A5E0444A  R12...... 25E16B48  reserved. 00000000
      +00004C  NAB...... 265E9030  PNAB..... 265E9030  reserved. 00000000  00000000
      +000064  reserved. 00000000  reserved. 00000000  MODE..... 00000000  reserved. 00000000
      +000078  reserved. 00000000  reserved. 00000000
  [6]Information for thread 2625970000000001
  Registers on Entry to CEE3DMP:
    PM....... 0100
    GPR0..... 00000000_00000001  GPR1..... 00000000_26935D78  GPR2..... 00000000_2671C43C  GPR3..... 00000000_26935D78
    GPR4..... 00000000_D96CA288  GPR5..... 00000000_00000000  GPR6..... 00000000_265E61A0  GPR7..... 00000000_2660A930
    GPR8..... 00000000_25E00ED0  GPR9..... 00000000_25F5F398  GPR10.... 00000000_8000D5D7  GPR11.... 00000000_8000C5D8
    GPR12.... 00000000_26936BD8  GPR13.... 00000000_26938090  GPR14.... 00000000_A6411BDE  GPR15.... 00000000_808E6648
    FPR0..... 4D000000  00000BD1            FPR2..... 00000000  00000000
    FPR4..... 00000000  00000000            FPR6..... 00000000  00000000
      Storage around GPR0 (00000001)
        -0001 00000000    Inaccessible storage.
        +001F 00000020    Inaccessible storage.
        +003F 00000040    Inaccessible storage.
    DSA   Entry       E  Offset  Statement   Load Mod            Program Unit                   Service  Status
    1     CEEOPML2    +00000F90              CEEPLPKA            CEEOPML2                       HLE7770  Call
    2     EDCOWRP2    +00000F38              CEEEV003                                                    Call
    3     thread_func +000000AE  47          CELSAMP             CELSAMP                        1.1.D    Call
    4     CEEOPCMM    +00000986              CEEBINIT            CEEOPCMM                       HLE7770  Call
    DSA   DSA Addr   E  Addr    PU Addr    PU Offset  Comp Date  Compile Attributes
    1     26938090   25F5E148   25F5E148   +00000F90  20100319   CEL       POSIX
    2     26937DE0   26410CA4   2640FA00   +000021DC  20100319   LIBRARY   POSIX
    3     26937D38   25E00D88   25E00D88   +000000AE  20070105   C/C++     POSIX EBCDIC  HFP
    4     2697DFF0   0000C5D8   0000C5D8   +00000986  20100319   CEL       POSIX
    Fully Qualified Names
    DSA   Entry       Program Unit                               Load Module
    3     thread_func //'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELSAMP)'                  CELSAMP
  [9]Parameters, Registers, and Variables for Active Routines:
    CEEOPML2 (DSA address 26938090):
      Saved Registers:
        GPR0..... 00000001  GPR1..... 26935D78  GPR2..... 2671C43C  GPR3..... 26935D78
        GPR4..... D96CA288  GPR5..... 00000000  GPR6..... 265E61A0  GPR7..... 2660A930
    thread_func (DSA address 26937D38):
        parm             void *             0x25E00ED0
      Saved Registers:
        GPR0..... 00000001  GPR1..... 26935D78  GPR2..... 2671C43C  GPR3..... 26935D78
        GPR4..... D96CA288  GPR5..... 00000000  GPR6..... 265E61A0  GPR7..... 2660A930
  [10]Control Blocks for Active Routines:
    DSA for CEEOPML2: 26938090
      +000000  FLAGS.... 0000      member... CCCC      BKC...... 26937DE0  FWC...... 26938210  R14...... A5F5EF76
      +000010  R15...... A5F60090  R0....... 25F5F2D4  R1....... 26938114  R2....... 2671C43C  R3....... 26935D78
      +000024  R4....... 00000000  R5....... 2660A954  R6....... 265E61A0  R7....... 2660A930  R8....... 25E00ED0
  [11]Storage for Active Routines:
    DSA frame: 26937DE0
      +000000 26937DE0  10CCCCCC 26937D38 26938090 A6411BDE  A5F5E148 25F5F2D4 25E0F158 265E61A0  |.....l'..l..w...v5...52M..1..;/.|
      +000020 26937E00  25E00DC2 26937D38 25E00ED0 269378A0  26613128 00000000 00000080 CCCCCCCC  |...B.l'......l.../..............|
  [12]Control Blocks Associated with the Thread:
    CAA: 26936BD8
      +000000 26936BD8  00000800 00000000 26937D20 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |.........l'.....................|
      +000020 26936BF8  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
  [13]Enclave variables:
     __m              unsigned long int
     __[0..6]         unsigned char      '\x26'  '\x25'     'p'  '\0'    '\0'    '\0'    '\0'
     __[7]            unsigned char      '\x01'
     __[0..6]         unsigned char      '\x26'  '\x25'     'y'  '\0'    '\0'    '\0'    '\0'
     __[7]            unsigned char      '\x02'
                     signed int                   0
                     unsigned char *    0x25E00ED0
                     unsigned char *    0x25E00EDC
                     signed int (void)
                     void * ()          0x25E00D88
                     void ()            0x25E00B28
    *.*.C(CELDLL)':>wsa_array[0..6] unsigned char         'C'    'E'     'L'     'D'     'L'     'L'     ' '
    *.*.C(CELDLL)':>wsa_array[7..9]                       'W'    'S'     'A'
                     void ()            0x2699A0C0
  [14]Enclave Control Blocks:
    EDB: 25E157B0
      +000000 25E157B0  C3C5C5C5 C4C24040 C7000001 25E16A08  25E15EB8 00000000 00000000 00000000  |CEEEDB  G.........;.............|
      +000020 25E157D0  25E15CC0 25E15CF0 A5E18000 25E15300  00000000 00000000 25E158D0 00000000  |..*...*0v.......................|
      +000040 25E157F0  00000000 00000000 00006010 00000000  00000000 A5F38568 25E0C9E8 265E6190  |..........-.........v3e...IY.;/.|
      +000060 25E15810  0000D560 2671C000 25E13FC0 00001000  25E177F0 00000000 26008038 25E16B48  |..N-...............0..........,.|
      +000080 25E15830  90000000 0000DBFE 00000000 00000000  00000003 00000000 00006000 008FF078  |..........................-...0.|
      +0000A0 25E15850  00000001 00000100 25E0CAF0 25E15858  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000003  |...........0....................|
    MEML: 25E16A08
      +000000 25E16A08  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  |.........Z|Q.............Z|Q....|
      +000020 25E16A28  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  25E11A98 00000000 A601B000 00000000  |.........Z|Q.......q....w.......|
      +000040 25E16A48  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  |.........Z|Q.............Z|Q....|
      +000060 25E16A68 - +00011F 25E16B27             same as above
    Mutex and Condition Variable Blocks (MCVB+MHT+CHT): 2671C018
      +000000 2671C018  00008F50 2671C044 000003F8 00001FC0  00000000 265E85D0 2671C444 000000F8  |...&.......8.........;e...D....8|
      +000020 2671C038  000007C0 00000000 265E85E8 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |.........;eY....................|
      +000040 2671C058  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +0004A0 2671C4B8  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +0004C0 2671C4D8 - +00053F 2671C557             same as above
    Thread Synchronization Enclave Latch Table (EPALT): 2671C544
      +000000 2671C544  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +000020 2671C564 - +00009F 2671C5E3             same as above
      +0000A0 2671C5E4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 DA1F0EA8 25E0F158 2671C850  |.......................y..1...H&|
      +000640 2671CB84  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +000660 2671CBA4 - +0009FF 2671CF43             same as above
    DLL Information:
    WSA Addr  Module Addr  Thread ID         Use Count  Name
    2660AB50  2699A000     2625860000000000  00000001   CELDLL
    HEAPCHK Option Control Block (HCOP): 265E50D0
      +000000 265E50D0  C8C3D6D7 00000048 00000001 00000000  00000000 0000000A 0000000A AAAAAAAA  |HCOP............................|
      +000020 265E50F0  269E0028 265E5118 26727028 00000000  00000000 AAAAAAAA 00000400 00000000  |.....;..........................|
      +000040 265E5110  00000000 00000000 C8C3C6E3 00000200  00000000 AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA  |........HCFT....................|
    HEAPCHK Element Table (HCEL) for Heapid 269D9F9C :
    Header: 269E0028
      +000000 269E0028  C8C3C5D3 2699D028 00000000 269D9F9C  000001F4 00000006 00000006 00000000  |HCEL.r.............4............|
                        Address  Seg Addr Length             Address  Seg Addr 
    Table: 269E0048
      +000000 269E0048  269DF020 269DF000 00000050 269A2878  269DF070 269DF000 00000028 269A29A0  |..0...0....&......0...0.........|
      +000020 269E0068  269DF098 269DF000 00000108 269A2AC8  269DF1A0 269DF000 00000050 269A2BF0  |..0q..0........H..1...0....&...0|
      +000040 269E0088  269DF1F0 269DF000 00000028 269A2D18  269E2020 269E2000 00000408 269A2E40  |..10..0........................ |
    HEAPCHK Element Table (HCEL) for Heapid 26999FCC :
    Header: 2699D028
      +000000 2699D028  C8C3C5D3 265E6228 269E0028 26999FCC  000001F4 00000001 00000001 00000000  |HCEL.;.......r.....4............|
                        Address  Seg Addr Length             Address  Seg Addr 
    Table: 2699D048
      +000000 2699D048  2699C020 2699C000 000002A8 2698E0E0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |.r...r.....y.q..................|
    HEAPCHK Element Table (HCEL) for Heapid 00000000 :
    Header: 265E6228
      +000000 265E6228  C8C3C5D3 00000000 2699D028 00000000  000001F4 00000005 00000005 00000000  |HCEL.....r.........4............|
                        Address  Seg Addr Length             Address  Seg Addr 
    Table: 265E6248
      +000000 265E6248  26609038 26609018 00001030 265E8190  2660A068 26609018 00000828 265E8258  |.-...-.......;a..-...-.......;b.|
      +000020 265E6268  2660A890 26609018 00000CD0 265E8330  2660B560 26609018 00002030 265E8460  |.-y..-.......;c..-.-.-.......;d-|
      +000040 265E6288  2660D590 26609018 00000CD0 26999EB0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |.-N..-.......r..................|
    WSA address.................265E6148
    Heap Storage Diagnostics
      Stg Addr  ID        Length      Entry         E Addr    E Offset   Load Mod
      269DF020  269D9F9C  00000050                  25FC9358  +00000000  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEV#GTS      25FC9328  +0001E38C  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEVGTST      25FD9BB0  +00000072  CEEPLPKA
                                      identify_cu   263903B0  +000005E4  CEEEV003
                                      SetDumpVars   263A2BC8  +00000210  CEEEV003
                                      __zdmpd       26584CB0  +000002E0  CEEEV003
                                      CEEKDMDR      25EE99C8  +00003CD6  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEKDUMP      25EF8428  +00000E16  CEEPLPKA
                                      dump_n_perc   2699A0C0  +0000012E  CELDLL
                                      CEEPGTFN      25F97290  +0000005A  CEEPLPKA
      269DF070  269D9F9C  00000028                  25FC9358  +00000000  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEV#GTS      25FC9328  +0001E38C  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEVGTST      25FD9BB0  +00000072  CEEPLPKA
                                      identify_cu   263903B0  +000006FA  CEEEV003
                                      SetDumpVars   263A2BC8  +00000210  CEEEV003
                                      __zdmpd       26584CB0  +000002E0  CEEEV003
                                      CEEKDMDR      25EE99C8  +00003CD6  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEKDUMP      25EF8428  +00000E16  CEEPLPKA
                                      dump_n_perc   2699A0C0  +0000012E  CELDLL
                                      CEEPGTFN      25F97290  +0000005A  CEEPLPKA
      2660D590  00000000  00000CD0                  25FC9358  +00000000  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEV#GTS      25FC9328  +0001E38C  CEEPLPKA
                                      CEEVGQT       25FD68A0  +00000292  CEEPLPKA
                                      flocks        263BCCC0  +00000248  CEEEV003
                                      _fopen        261A6430  +00000224  CEEEV003
                                      fopen         261A6740  +0000006C  CEEEV003
                                      EDCOWRP3      26419874  +0000121A  CEEEV003
                                      main          25E000C0  +000007BC  CELSAMP
                                      EDCZMINV      2659CF6E  -FF87A878  CEEEV003
                                      CEEBBEXT      25E92F60  +000001B8  CEEPLPKA
    Language Environment Trace Table:
      Most recent trace entry is at displacement: 002980
          Displacement Trace Entry in Hexadecimal                                               Trace Entry in EBCDIC
          ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
            +000000    Time    Date 2010.04.07   Thread ID...  2625860000000000
            +000010    Member ID.... 03    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00000001
            +000018    94818995 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |main                            |
            +000038    60606E4D F0F8F55D 40979989 95A3864D  5D404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |-->(085) printf()               |
            +000058    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
            +000078    40404040 40404040                                                         |                                |
            +000080    Time    Date 2010.04.07   Thread ID... 2625860000000000
            +000090    Member ID.... 03    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00000002
            +000098    4C60604D F0F8F55D 40D9F1F5 7EF0F0F0  F0F0F0F0 C540C5D9 D9D5D67E F0F0F0F0  |<--(085) R15=0000000E ERRNO=0000|
            +0000B8    F0F0F0F0 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |0000............................|
            +0000D8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
            +0000F8    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
            +002900    Time    Date 2010.04.07   Thread ID... 2625860000000000
            +002910    Member ID.... 03    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00000001
            +002918    84A49497 6D956D97 85998340 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |dump_n_perc                     |
            +002938    60606E4D F0F8F55D 40979989 95A3864D  5D404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |-->(085) printf()               |
            +002958    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
            +002978    40404040 40404040                                                         |                                |
            +002980    Time    Date 2010.04.07   Thread ID... 2625860000000000
            +002990    Member ID.... 03    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00000002
            +002998    4C60604D F0F8F55D 40D9F1F5 7EF0F0F0  F0F0F0F1 C440C5D9 D9D5D67E F0F0F0F0  |<--(085) R15=0000001D ERRNO=0000|
            +0029B8    F0F0F0F0 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |0000............................|
            +0029D8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
            +0029F8    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
  [15]Enclave Storage:
    Initial (User) Heap                                         : 26609018
      +000000 26609018  C8C1D5C3 25E15C90 25E15C90 00000000  A6609018 2660E260 00008000 00002DB8  |HANC..*...*.....w-...-S-........|
      +000020 26609038  26609018 00001030 C5E7F3F1 00000000  00000005 00000005 2660A070 2660A258  |.-......EX31.............-...-s.|
      +000040 26609058  2660A295 2660A2D2 2660A30F 2660A34C  2660A389 2660A3C6 2660A403 2660A810  |.-sn.-sK.-t..-t<.-ti.-tF.-u..-y.|
      +000060 26609078  2660A84D 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |.-y(............................|
      +000080 26609098  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
      +0000A0 266090B8  00000000 2660A440 2660A47D 2660A4BA  2660A4F7 2660A534 2660A571 2660A5AE  |.....-u .-u'.-u..-u7.-v..-v..-v.|
      +0045E0 2660D5F8 - +00523F 2660E257             same as above
      +005240 2660E258  AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB  |................................|
      +005260 2660E278  BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB  BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB  |................................|
      +005280 2660E298 - +007FFF 26611017             same as above
    LE/370 Anywhere Heap                                        : 265E5000
      +000000 265E5000  C8C1D5C3 26612000 25E15CC0 25E15CC0  A65E5000 265E8850 00004000 000007B0  |HANC./....*...*.w;&..;h&.. .....|
      +000020 265E5020  265E5000 00000018 D2C4C240 00000000  00000000 AAAAAAAA 265E5000 00000090  |.;&.....KDB .............;&.....|
      +000040 265E5040  E3E5C240 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |TVB ............................|
      +003860 265E8860  BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB  BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB  |................................|
      +003880 265E8880 - +003FFF 265E8FFF             same as above
    LE/370 Anywhere Heap                                        : 26612000
      +000000 26612000  C8C1D5C3 2671E000 265E5000 25E15CC0  26612000 00000000 00100028 00000000  |HANC.....;&...*../..............|
      +000020 26612020  26612000 00100008 C5CB773F 719897EB  26258600 00000000 03000000 00000001  |./......E....qp...f.............|
      +000040 26612040  94818995 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |main                            |
    Additional Heap, heapid = 269D9F9C                          : 269DF000
      +000000 269DF000  C8C1D5C3 269E2000 269D9F9C 269D9F9C  269DF000 269DF218 000003E8 000001D0  |HANC..............0...2....Y....|
      +000020 269DF020  269DF000 00000050 00000000 2699AB48  2699A0C0 269DF0A0 25E12338 46F11000  |..0....&.....r...r....0......1..|
      +000040 269DF040  00000003 00000000 00040000 269DF078  00000000 2699A0A0 2699A0A0 00000000  |..............0......r...r......|
      +000060 269DF060  2699A4CC 2699A0A0 00000000 AAAAAAAA  269DF000 00000028 00186161 7DD7D6E2  |.ru..r............0.......//'POS|
  [16]File Status and Attributes:
  [17]Runtime Options Report:
   LAST WHERE SET                 OPTION
   IBM-supplied default             ABPERC(NONE)
   IBM-supplied default             ABTERMENC(ABEND)
   IBM-supplied default           NOAIXBLD
   IBM-supplied default             ALL31(ON)
   IBM-supplied default             ANYHEAP(16384,8192,ANYWHERE,FREE)
   IBM-supplied default           NOAUTOTASK
   IBM-supplied default             BELOWHEAP(8192,4096,FREE)
   IBM-supplied default             CBLOPTS(ON)
   IBM-supplied default             CBLPSHPOP(ON)
   IBM-supplied default             CBLQDA(OFF)
   IBM-supplied default             CHECK(ON)
   IBM-supplied default             COUNTRY(US)
   IBM-supplied default           NODEBUG
   IBM-supplied default             DEPTHCONDLMT(10)
   DD:CEEOPTS                       DYNDUMP(POSIX.DEBUGG.HLE7770,DYNAMIC,)
   IBM-supplied default             ENVAR("")
   IBM-supplied default             ERRCOUNT(0)
   IBM-supplied default             ERRUNIT(6)
   IBM-supplied default             FILEHIST
   IBM-supplied default             FILETAG(NOAUTOCVT,NOAUTOTAG)
   Default setting                NOFLOW
   IBM-supplied default             HEAP(32768,32768,ANYWHERE,KEEP,8192,4096)
   DD:CEEOPTS                       HEAPCHK(ON,1,0,10,10,1024,0,1024,0)
   DD:CEEOPTS                       HEAPPOOLS(ON,8,10,32,10,128,10,256,10,1024,10,2048,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10)
   IBM-supplied default             HEAPZONES(0.ABEND,0,ABEND)
   IBM-supplied default             INFOMSGFILTER(OFF,,,,)
   IBM-supplied default             INQPCOPN
   IBM-supplied default             INTERRUPT(OFF)
   IBM-supplied default             LIBSTACK(4096,4096,FREE)
   IBM-supplied default             MSGFILE(SYSOUT,FBA,121,0,NOENQ)
   IBM-supplied default             MSGQ(15)
   IBM-supplied default             NATLANG(ENU)]
   Ignored                        NONONIPTSTACK(See THREADSTACK)
   IBM-supplied default             OCSTATUS
   IBM-supplied default             PAGEFRAMESIZE(4K,4K,4K)
   IBM-supplied default           NOPC
   IBM-supplied default             PLITASKCOUNT(20)
   Programmer default               POSIX(ON)
   IBM-supplied default             PROFILE(OFF,"")
   IBM-supplied default             PRTUNIT(6)
   IBM-supplied default             PUNUNIT(7)
   IBM-supplied default             RDRUNIT(5)
   IBM-supplied default             RECPAD(OFF)
   DD:CEEOPTS                       RPTOPTS(ON)
   DD:CEEOPTS                       RPTSTG(ON)
   IBM-supplied default           NORTEREUS
   IBM-supplied default           NOSIMVRD
   IBM-supplied default             STACK(131072,131072,ANYWHERE,KEEP,524288,131072)
   DD:CEEOPTS                       STORAGE(AA,BB,CC,0)
   DD:CEEOPTS                       TERMTHDACT(UADUMP,,96)
   IBM-supplied default           NOTEST(ALL,"*","PROMPT","INSPPREF")
   IBM-supplied default             THREADHEAP(4096,4096,ANYWHERE,KEEP)
   IBM-supplied default             THREADSTACK(OFF,4096,4096,ANYWHERE,KEEP,131072,131072)
   Programmer default               TRACE(ON,1048576,NODUMP,LE=1)
   IBM-supplied default             TRAP(ON,SPIE)
   IBM-supplied default             UPSI(00000000)
   IBM-supplied default           NOUSRHDLR(,)
   IBM-supplied default             VCTRSAVE(OFF)
   IBM-supplied default             XPLINK(OFF)
   IBM-supplied default             XUFLOW(AUTO)
[18]Process Control Blocks:
  PCB: 25E15300
    +000000 25E15300  C3C5C5D7 C3C24040 03030288 00000000  00000000 00000000 25E15538 A600AD00  |CEEPCB  ...h................w...|
    +000020 25E15320  A6001AD0 A6008358 A6007F48 25E0ABF0  25E150D0 00000000 00000000 25E157B0  |w...w.c.w."....0..&.............|
    +000040 25E15340  A60081F0 7FC00000 00000000 00011054  00000000 80000000 A5F72920 00000000  |w.a0"...................v7......|
  MEML: 25E15538
    +000000 25E15538  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  |.........Z|Q.............Z|Q....|
    +000020 25E15558  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  25E0FFD0 00000000 A601B000 265E4418  |.........Z|Q............w....;..|
    +000040 25E15578  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  00000000 00000000 25E94FD8 00000000  |.........Z|Q.............Z|Q....|
    +000060 25E1598 - +00011F 25E15657             same as above
  Thread Synchronization Process Latch Table (PPALT): 2671CF44
    +000000 2671CF44  DA1F0EA8 25E0F158 2671C7EC 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |...y..1...G.....................|
    +000020 2671CF64  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
    +000040 2671CF84  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  DA1F0EA8 25E0F158 2671CA44 00000000  |...................y..1.........|
    +000060 2671CFA4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
    +000080 2671CFC4 - +0009FF 2671D943             same as above
[19]Additional Language Specific Information:
  errno information :
  Thread Id .... 2625860000000000 Errno ...... 0 Errnojr .... 00000000
[20]CEE3846I CEEDUMP Processing completed.