_exit (BPX1EXI, BPX4EXI) — End a process and bypass the cleanup


The _exit callable service ends the calling thread task and all its subtasks. In most environments, this results in the ending of the process, with the specified status being reported to its parent.


Operation Environment
Authorization: Supervisor state or problem state, any PSW key
Dispatchable unit mode: Task
Cross memory mode: PASN = HASN
AMODE (BPX1EXI): 31-bit
AMODE (BPX4EXI): 64-bit
ASC mode: Primary mode
Interrupt status: Enabled for interrupts
Locks: Unlocked
Control parameters: All parameters must be addressable by the caller and in the primary address space.


The syntax format is as follows:
CALL BPX1EXI,(Status_field)

AMODE 64 callers use BPX4EXI with the same parameter.


Supplied parameter
4 bytes

The name of a 4-byte status field. If the call to _exit results in a process ending and contents of the status field conform to the allowable exit status values, the service provides the contents to the parent when a wait service is issued. For a mapping of the status field and a description of the conforming status values, see BPXYWAST — Map the wait status word.

Usage notes

  1. A call to _exit results in the ending of the calling task and all its subtasks, and the cleaning up of their associated MVS™ and z/OS UNIX resources. In most environments, this results in the ending of the calling process.
  2. In some environments the call to _exit does not result in a process ending. An example of such an environment is the TSO/E TMP environment, where multiple MVS tasks can be concurrently dubbed as threads. A call to the _exit service from one of these threads results only in the ending of the calling thread task and its subtasks. In such an environment, if only one task is currently dubbed as a thread, a call to the _exit service from this thread task ends the process.
  3. The ending of a process results in the following actions:
    • All file descriptors and directory streams that are open in the ending process are closed. Open file descriptors are inherited by the child. Literally speaking, the child did not open the file, yet it will still be closed.
    • If the parent of the ending process has issued a wait call and is waiting for the ending process to end, has not used sigaction to set its SA_NOCLDWAIT flag for the SIGCHLD signal, and has not set the action for SIGCHLD to ignore, the status is returned to the parent at once.

      If the parent of the ending process is not waiting, has not used sigaction to set its SA_NOCLDWAIT flag for the SIGCHLD signal, and has not set the action for SIGCHLD to ignore, the status is saved. It is returned to the parent if the parent later issues a wait call for the now-ended child.

    • If the parent of the ending process has set the SA_NOCLDWAIT flag for the SIGCHLD signal, or has set the action for SIGCHLD to ignore, the status is discarded and will not be seen by the parent if the parent issues a wait. The ending process is assigned the parent process ID of the initialization process (whose process ID is 1) that frees the PID and system resources that are associated with the ending process.

      If the parent of the ending process does not later wait for the ending process, and has not used sigaction to set its SA_NOCLDWAIT flag for the SIGCHLD signal, and has not set the action for SIGCHLD to ignore, the ending process's ID (PID) remains in use until the parent ends. Because the number of process IDs is a limited system resource, user and system availability for process IDs may be affected.

    • If the ending process is a session leader, the controlling terminal is disassociated from the session. The controlling terminal can then be acquired by a new controlling process.
    • Child processes of a process that ends are assigned the parent process ID of the initialization process (whose process ID is 1). The status of these child processes is reported to the initialization process that frees the PID and system resources associated with the ending process.
    • A SIGCHLD signal is sent to the parent of the ending process.
    • Ending a process does not end its child processes directly, however; under the following circumstances a SIGHUP signal is sent to a child process that can cause a child process to end:
      • If the ending process is a controlling process, a SIGHUP signal is sent to each process in the foreground process group of the controlling terminal belonging to the caller.
      • If the ending process is a dubbed process that has not been a controlling process of a terminal session; for example, a batch job step that has issued z/OS UNIX service calls; a SIGHUP signal is sent to each process in the ending process's process group.
      • If ending a process leaves a process group orphaned and any member of that process group is stopped, each member of the process group is sent a SIGHUP signal followed by a SIGCONT signal.
  4. If the ending of the calling task results in the ending of a job step, the specified status code is used as the completion code for the ending job step.
  5. The _exit service does not return to the caller. If it cannot complete its processing successfully, the caller receives an EC6 abend.
  6. If the caller specifies an incorrect exit status value, the caller receives an EC6 abend with an appropriate reason code identifying the error.
  7. If you are going to use this service in a multiple-pthread environment, see Using threads with callable services.
  8. Each shared-memory segment attached to the calling process is detached, and the value of the number of processes attached to each detached segment (shm_nattch) is decremented by 1. If this is the last process attached to a shared memory segment and shmctl IPC_RMID has been issued for the shared memory segment, the segment is removed from the system.
  9. When the process is terminated, the semadj values are applied to the semaphores. Adjustments to each semaphore set are made atomically.

Related services

Note: The _exit service is not related to the exit shell command and is different from the exit() ANSI C routine.

Characteristics and restrictions

If the _exit service is invoked with a normal exit status completion code from a task that has no subtasks, one request block (RB), and no linkage stack entries, the task ends with an SVC 3 instruction. This action results in a normal return to the operating system. Almost all forked processes end in this manner. In all other cases, the calling task receives a nonretryable EC6 abend with a reason code that varies with the type of exit status specified. If the exit status value indicates that the process is to end with:
  • A normal exit status code, an abend reason code of 0000FFFF is received.
  • An ending signal, an abend reason code of 0000FFxx is received, where xx is the signal number specified in the exit status.
  • A terminating signal with a core dump to be taken, an abend reason code of 0000FDxx is received, where xx is the signal number specified in the exit status.

All subtasks of the calling thread task receive a 33E abend when the calling thread task is abended.

If the calling thread task was created with the pthread_create service, the initial pthread-creating task abends with a 422 abend code, and reason code 000001xx. The value of xx is the signal number if signal exit status is specified, or 82 if a normal exit status is specified.

For a detailed description of the conforming exit status values see BPXYWAST — Map the wait status word.