Associate a tenant with a template

To associate a tenant with a template, use the Associate Tenant action provided in the Templates table.


  1. Expand the Cloud Provisioning category in the navigation area, then select Software Configuration.
  2. Select the Templates tab.
  3. In the table, select a template.
  4. Click Actions, then, select Associate Tenant.
  5. On the Associate Tenant window, supply values. Click OK to display the Add Template and Resource Pool window of the Resource Management task.
  6. On the Add Template and Resource Pool window, supply values. Then click OK.
  7. Having used the Resource Management task to add a template to the tenant, return now to the Software task. Click the Software Services tab.

Values on the Associate Tenant window

Template Name
Name of the template.
Template Description
Description of the template.
Name of the domain that is associated with the template.
Select a tenant. Tenants are defined for a domain with the Resource Management task.
Resource pool selection
Select an option:
Create a dedicated resource pool
Select this to create a new resource pool that is dedicated to the template.
Use an existing shared resource pool
Select this to use a shared resource pool, which can be shared between templates. This option is available only if one or more shared resource pools is available in the tenant.