Requirements for Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z®

Requirements for Tailored Fit Pricing

There requirements for Tailored Fit Pricing vary with the solution. The specific requirements for a solution must be met before IBM can accept and process sub-capacity reports in which Tailored Fit Pricing solutions are reported.

This topic outlines the technical requirements that must be met to implement a Tailored Fit Pricing Solution. For additional offering requirements, see the announce letter.

Some of these conditions are further described in more detail in other topics but are consolidated here for easy reference. These requirements are in addition to any specific requirements that are stated in a Container Pricing solution announcement.

  • z/OS® V2.2, or later, with the PTFs applied for the following APARs:
    • OA52312 (WLM)
    • OA52694 (RMF™)
    • OA53033 (SMF)
    • PI82528 (SDSF)

    These and any other related PTFs are associated with the IBM.Function.Pricing.Infrastructure fix category.

  • Note that hardware requirements vary based on the offering.
  • Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool (SCRT) V27.1, or later.
  • SCRT is run for each sub-capacity reporting period and the resulting sub-capacity report is submitted to IBM on a monthly basis.
  • A unique solution ID is used to identify the Tailored Fit Pricing solution. IBM provides you with the solution ID through the License Management Support (LMS) website upon approval of the solution.
    • For solutions deployed on an existing sub-capacity LPAR (collocated solutions), you must associate the solution with the TRGs that define the qualified solution. Only work units (that is, address spaces and enclaves) that are associated with the qualified solution are to be classified as part of the TRG.
    • For solutions deployed on separate LPARs, you must use the CONTAINER command to specify only those LPARs that are part of the qualified solution. The CONTAINER command associates the LPARs with the solution ID.
  • A solution name is used to identify the Tailored Fit Pricing solution. IBM provides you with the solution ID through the LMS website upon approval of the solution.
    • The solution name that you use for a given container must be the one that is associated with the unique solution ID in LMS.
    • You can update the solution name in LMS. However, at the time of report submission, the solution name must match the name as defined in LMS for the container (with the associated solution ID).

Requirements for using IBM Cloud Provisioning for Tailored Fit Pricing

In order to use cloud provisioning for Tailored Fit Pricing, you must z/OS® V2.3 or later, with the PTFs applied for APAR PI88944.

Requirements for using z/OSMF for Tailored Fit Pricing

  • In order to get z/OSMF WLM support for Tailored Fit Pricing definitions, you must have z/OS V2.2 or later, with the PTFs applied for APAR P189361.
  • In order to get z/OSMF RMF support for Tailored Fit Pricing, you must have z/OS V2.2 or later, with the PTFs applied for APAR P189935.