Defining in-memory resources

Perform this task to define one or more SMF in-memory resources.

Before you begin

SMF must be running in logstream recording mode.


  1. Determine the names that you want to use for each in-memory resource.

    As described in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference, each resource name must be in the form IFASMF.rname, where rname is a name of your choice.

  2. Consult your security administrator to perform the following steps for each in-memory resource that you want to define:
    1. Define a new SAF resource in the FACILITY class to protect the in-memory resource.
      The SAF resource profile name must start with the IFA. high-level qualifier, followed by the same in-memory resource name that you determined in step 1.
      Example: If you use a resource name of IFASMF.XYZ, you must specify IFA.IFASMF.XYZ for the SAF resource profile name.
    2. Permit READ access to the SAF resource to each user ID that will access the in-memory resource.
  3. Update the SMFPRMxx parmlib member to specify the INMEM parameter, resource name, and values for the RESSIZMAX and TYPE subparameters for each in-memory resource that you want to define.
    Use the same resource name or names that you determined in step 1.
    Note: Record types that you specify on an INMEM parameter are not written to the default logstream, if any, defined by the DEFAULTLSNAME parameter. If you want certain record types to be written to both an in-memory resource and a logstream, specify those record types on both an INMEM parameter and an LSNAME parameter.

    See z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for more information about the SMFPRMxx parmlib member and the INMEM parameter and subparameters.

  4. Issue the SET SMF=xx command to activate the updated SMFPRMxx member.

    When the system processes an INMEM parameter, it validates that a SAF resource with the correct name exists, and creates the in-memory resources. If the SAF check fails, SMF rejects the entire SMFPRMxx member.


If step 4 succeeds, the in-memory resources now exist, and SMF begins writing the selected record types to the in-memory resources.

What to do next

You can use the services described in SMF real-time callable services to write application programs that access the SMF data in the in-memory resources.