Step 4. Create an IEASYMxx parmlib member

The main purpose of IEASYMxx is to provide a single place to specify system parameters for each system in a multisystem environment. IEASYMxx contains statements that take the following steps:
  • Define static system symbols
  • Specify IEASYSxx parmlib members that contain system parameters.

You can apply the statements in IEASYMxx to any system in your environment. Therefore, only one IEASYMxx member is required to define static system symbols and specify system parameters for all systems.

In IEASYMxx, you can define at least 800 additional static system symbols for each system in a multisystem environment. In other words, you can define as many additional static system symbols in IEASYMxx as you like, so long as the resulting symbol table would not exceed the maximum symbol table size of 32512 bytes.

The LOADxx parmlib member specifies the IEASYMxx member that the system is to use. For information about how to specify the suffix of the IEASYMxx member in LOADxx, see Step 5. Code support for system symbols in LOADxx.