MSGFLDxx (message flood automation parameters)

Use the MSGFLDxx member to define your installation policy for controlling message flooding situations, where xx should be alphabetic, numeric, or national characters. Special characters are not supported.

The following statements are provided:
  • The comment statement indicates commentary information.
  • The msgtype statement indicates the type of message that the parameters apply to.
  • The DEFAULT statement specifies the default action to be taken for a specific address space that exceeds the job threshold message rate (JOBTHRESH / INTVLTIME) or a specific message that exceeds the message threshold message rate (MSGLIMIT / INTVLTIME). The built-in defaults apply otherwise.
  • The DEFAULTCMD statement specifies the default command that will be issued if a CMD action has been specified for the address space.
  • The JOB statement identifies up to 64 specific jobs for which specific actions are to be taken if REGULAR or ACTION messages from the job are involved in a message flooding situation. During intensive mode processing, if the specified job requires action to be taken against it, the actions will be taken from those specified on the JOB statement. You can use the JOB statement to override the DEFAULT (or built-in) actions for this specific job.
  • The MSG statement defines up to 1024 specific messages for which specific actions are to be taken if the message is involved in a message flooding situation.