HZSPRMxx (manage IBM Health Checker for z/OS checks)

Use an HZSPRMxx parmlib member to make permanent updates to IBM® Health Checker for z/OS® checks and their parameters. The policy statements in the HZSPRMxx member or members currently in use for a system make up the IBM Health Checker for z/OS policies. The information in the current IBM Health Checker for z/OS policy is applied to all existing checks and to any new checks you add.

IBM Health Checker for z/OS processes policy information when checks are refreshed, added, or when there is an IPL. Put any check changes you want to make permanent and to have applied to any checks you add in the future in your policy.

For complete information about the HZSPRMxx parmlib member, including syntax and parameters, see Using HZSPRMxx and MODIFY hzsproc command in IBM Health Checker for z/OS User's Guide.