SYSUT3 and SYSUT4 DD statements

In most uses of IEBCOPY, you do not need to provide space on spill data sets (SYSUT3 and SYSUT4). If IEBCOPY is running in a region size of 2M or more, neither of the spill data sets are needed if the output data set will have fewer than 1600 directory blocks.

In order to conserve space on DASD, you can use VIO for these data sets. However, it is more efficient to increase the region size (and WORK=parameter value) and not use the SYSUT3 and SYSUT4 data sets at all. You cannot use multivolume data sets for these data sets.

The space required for SYSUT3 depends on the number of members to be copied or loaded. The space to be allocated for SYSUT4 must be equal to or greater than the number of blocks allocated to the largest output partitioned data set directory in the IEBCOPY jobstep. Use a block size of 80 to calculate space requirements.

The space required depends on the number of directory blocks to be written to the output data set. SYSUT4 is only used if more than one data set is specified on a given INDD list. The data set contains one directory block per data block. Use a block size of 256 and a key length of 8 to calculate space requirements.

Requirement: SYSUT4 must be in a single contiguous extent, because SYSUT4 will contain a copy of the output partitioned data set directory. The design of data management requires that a partitioned data set directory be within a single extent.

IEBCOPY ignores all DCB information that is specified for SYSUT3 or SYSUT4.