Managing product documentation content in Knowledge Center for z/OS

The Knowledge Center for z/OS® configuration file designates a list of directories as the Knowledge Center conf.path. Product properties files (*.properties) within the conf.path directories connect product content to the Knowledge Center taxonomy (KC_taxonomy.ditamap) which is used to form the Knowledge Center table of contents. The Knowledge Center for z/OS server monitors the conf.path directories for new or changed product properties files, and when detected, updates the Knowledge Center table of contents and search index for the corresponding products.

About this task

To add content packaged by IBM for Knowledge Center for z/OS, the procedures described in the following subtopics (Managing IBM KC4z packaged content manually , Command Line Interface Option to copy KC4z content , z/OSMF Workflow Option to copy KC4z content supersede both the previously provided options (Softcopy Librarian and the readme.text and provided at ).

Adding content from other sources and other products manually to Knowledge Center for z/OS is possible if you copy product plugins to a content directory yourself, build and add your own product properties file to a conf.path directory, and register (if necessary) the product id with the Knowledge Center taxonomy file. The details for manually provisioning content are detailed in the following procedure:


  1. Copy a product's plugins to a subdirectory of the content directory.
    The default location for the content directory is /global/kc4z/data/content. If your content subdirectory is named example, then you place your content in /global/kc4z/data/content/example.
  2. Create a file, in ASCII format, in a directory specified by the conf.path property within your configuration file. For example, if the product id for your content is SSBLLD, then your product properties file should be named
    The following is an example of the contents of a properties file for a product with id SSBLLD and a content subdirectory named example:
    The toc property defines the name of the product's master ditamap file within the path directory. The master ditamap defines the table of contents structure for the product.
    Important: The conf.path property is specified in the file located in /etc/kc4z/servers/kc4zServer/, by default. You can specify one directory for the value of conf.path, or multiple directories delimited by commas. The default conf.path value is /global/kc4z/data/conf.
  3. Register the product in the Knowledge Center taxonomy file if it has not been registered already.
    The file contains a configuration parameter called taxonomy.path. The value for this parameter is the fully qualified name of the KC_taxonomy.ditamap file. By default:
    You edit the KC_taxonomy.ditamap file to register your content with Knowledge Center. For example, to add a product named ISPF for z/OS Version 1.9.0 with a product id of SSBLLD, you might add the following line to the KC_taxonomy.ditamap file:
    <subjectdef type="CT701" class="- map/topicref subjectScheme/subjectdef " 
        id="SSBLLD" keys="SSBLLD" navtitle="ISPF for z/OS 1.9.0" 
        toc="no" processing-role="resource-only" product="product"/>
  4. After modifying KC_taxonomy.ditamap, stop and restart the HKCSVR1 Knowledge Center Server started task in order to pick up the taxonomy changes.