Migrating spool volumes

A JES2 spool migration moves an existing JES2 spool volume (an extent or data set) to a new spool volume, or merges an existing volume with another existing spool volume. Migrating a spool volume to a new spool volume is called a move migration. Migrating a spool volume to an existing spool volume is called a merge migration. Both types of spool migration enhance JES2 spool configuration by providing the following functionality:
  • Increasing or reducing the total number of spool volumes.
  • Increasing or reducing the size of spool volumes.
  • Extending volumes that have insufficient space to map all tracks.
  • Removing spool volumes without altering any spool pointers (MTTRs or MQTRs).
  • Copying of data from one spool volume to another while address spaces are actively reading and writing data to the spool volumes.
  • Merging of volumes and track group map onto another spool volume.
  • Creating a new spool volume.
Note: Before attempting a spool migration, you must review the $MSPL - Migrate spool volumes command usage in its entirety.

JES2 spool migration - $MSPOOL, $MSPL

A JES2 spool migration moves an existing JES2 spool volume (an extent or data set) to a new spool volume, or merges an existing volume with another existing spool volume.

The following resources provide information to help you migrate spool volumes:

Spool migration FAQ:

Spool migration frequently asked questions Spool migration FAQ

APARs required to run SPOOL migration:

Review the following APARs and the prerequisite PTF list in each APAR's web page to identify service that is required to run SPOOL Migration.
User conference presentations on JES2 spool migration: