Communications Server support for 25 GbE RoCE Express2 features

z/OS® V2R3 Communications Server is enhanced to support IBM® 25 GbE RoCE Express2 features.

To enable the z/OS Communications Server support for 25 GbE RoCE Express2 features, complete the appropriate tasks in Table 1.
Table 1. Task topics to enable z/OS Communications Server support for 25 GbE RoCE Express2 features
Task Reference
Configure at least one IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express2 feature in HCD. For each IBM RoCE Express2 port, configure the physical network Identifier (PNetID), the physical channel identifier (PCHID), the function ID (FID), the virtual function ID (VF), and the port number (PORTNUM). z/OS HCD User's Guide
Configure or update the GLOBALCONFIG SMCR statement in the TCP/IP profile.
  • Use the FID values configured in HCD to define the PFID values that represent physically different IBM 25 GbE RoCE Express2 features to provide full redundancy support. Do not specify PortNum for IBM RoCE Express2 PFIDs.
Display information about a RoCE Express2 interface, including the interface speed, by issuing the Netstat DEvlinks/-d command and specifying the RoCE Express2 interface name. Netstat DEvlinks/-d report in z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands

To find all related topics about Communications Server support for 25 GbE RoCE Express2 features, see Table 2.