EDIT—Edit from within an Edit Session

The EDIT primary command allows you to edit another sequential data set, partitioned data set member, or z/OS® UNIX file during your current edit session.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramEDITmember
A member of the ISPF library or other partitioned data set you are currently editing. You may enter a member pattern to generate a member list.


Editing one data set or member while you are already editing another is called recursive editing. To edit another data set, member, or z/OS UNIX file during your current edit session:

  1. On the command line, type:


    EDIT member

    Here, member represents the name of a member of the partitioned data set you are editing. The member operand is optional.

  2. Press Enter.

    If you specified a member name, the current library concatenation sequence finds the member. The member is displayed for editing.

    If you do not specify a member name, the Edit Command Entry panel, which is identical to the regular Edit Entry panel, appears. You can enter the name of any sequential, partitioned data set, or z/OS UNIX file to which you have access. When you press Enter, the data set, member, or z/OS UNIX file is displayed for editing.

    The editor suspends your initial edit session until the second-level edit session is complete. Editing sessions can be nested until you run out of storage.

  3. To exit from a nested edit session, enter an END or CANCEL command. The current edit session resumes.


These steps show the use of the EDIT primary command:

  1. Assume that you are editing a member named @INDEX and you need to edit a member in another data set. So, you enter the EDIT command on the command line, omitting the member operand, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1. EDIT primary command example
       File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
     EDIT       ISP.SISPSAMP(@INDEX) - 01.00                    Columns 00001 00072
     Command ===> edit                                             Scroll ===> PAGE
     000302            that file.
     000303 ISRONLY  - Sample Edit Macro
     000304 **********************************************************************
     000305 * PDF Sample Programs for Creating Translate Tables
     000306 **********************************************************************
     000307 ISRAPLTT - A sample assembler module for creating your own set of
     000308            translate tables.  It contains the values for a 3278/3279
     000309            APL English terminal.
     000310 ISROWNTT - A sample assembler module for creating your own set of
     000311            translate tables.  It contains the values for a 3278/3279
     000312            English terminal.
     000313 **********************************************************************
     000314 * PDF Samples for Programming Languages
     000315 **********************************************************************
     000316 ISRASM   - Sample assembler program
     000317 ISRCOBOL - Sample cobol program
     000318 ISRFORT  - Fortran test program
     000319 ISRPLI   - Sample PL/I program
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange   F7=Up
      F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  2. When you press Enter, the Edit Command Entry panel (Figure 2) appears. On this panel, you enter the name of the partitioned data set and member that you want to edit:
    Figure 2. Edit Command Entry panel (ISREDM03)
       Menu  RefList  RefMode  Utilities  Workstation  Help
                               Edit Command - Entry Panel
     Command ===>
     ISPF Library:
        Project . . . PDFTDEV 
        Group . . . . USERSID  . . .          . . .          . . .         
        Type  . . . . MSGGEN  
        Member  . . .               (Blank or pattern for member selection list)
     Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:
        Name . . . . . 'ISP.SISPSAMP(ISRBOX)'                                     +
        Volume Serial            (If not cataloged)
     Workstation File:
        File Name  . .                                                              
     Initial Macro  . . . .                  /  Confirm Cancel/Move/Replace
     Profile Name . . . . .                     Mixed Mode
     Format Name  . . . . .                     Edit on Workstation
     Data Set Password  . .                     Preserve VB record length
     Record Length  . . . .
     Line Command Table . .         
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
      F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
  3. When you press Enter again, the member is displayed for editing, as shown in Figure 3:
    Figure 3. Nested member editing example
       File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
     EDIT       ISP.SISPSAMP(ISRBOX) - 01.00                    Columns 00001 00072
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE
     ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
     ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change
     ==MSG>           your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.
     ==MSG> -CAUTION- Profile is set to STATS ON. Statistics did not exist for
     ==MSG>           this member, but will be generated if data is saved.
     000001 /*********************************************************************/
     000002 /*                                                                   */
     000003 /* 5694-A01 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP 1995, 2004                        */
     000004 /*                                                                   */
     000005 /* ISRBOX - Draw a box with its upper left corner at the             */
     000006 /*          cursor position                                          */
     000007 /*                                                                   */
     000008 /*********************************************************************/
     000009 ISREDIT MACRO
     000010 ISREDIT (ROW,COL) = CURSOR             /* Get cursor position     */
     000012 ISPEXEC CONTROL ERRORS RETURN          /* No macro error panel    */
     000013                                        /* Draw box over existing  */
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange   F7=Up
      F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel