Panel definition statement guide

You can create ISPF panels in one of three ways:

  1. Use the Dialog Tag Language (DTL) and ISPF DTL conversion utility only. With DTL, you create a source file containing DTL tags that define what information you want for each panel. This source file is then processed through the ISPF conversion utility to produce a preprocessed ISPF panel library member ready for display.
  2. Use DTL and panel definition statements. This option allows you to stop the conversion process at the ISPF panel definition source level. You can then edit the resulting panel definition source file using any of the panel definition statements available in this document.
  3. Use panel definition statements only. Using panel definition statements, you define panels closely resembling the finished panel. Each character position in the panel definition corresponds to the same relative position on the display screen.

To create panels with DTL or to learn how to capture the panel definition source file, refer to the z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference.

This topic explains how to create panels using the panel definition statements. (This information applies to the second and third options described above.) Both general overview information on panel definition and specific information on each panel section is included. The topics are arranged as follows:
  • An introduction to the panel definition sections
  • General tips and guidelines for formatting panels
  • Syntax rules and restrictions for panel definition
  • A discussion of each panel section
  • Using Z variables as field name placeholders
  • Panel processing considerations
  • Support for panel user exit routines
  • Special requirements for defining menus, table display panels, and panels with dynamic or graphic areas.

Example of a CUA panel definition shows an example panel definition which uses CUA panel-element attributes. See Figure 1 for an example panel definition that does not use CUA panel-element attributes.

  1. You can use the ISPDPTRC command to trace both the execution of panel service calls (DISPLAY, TBDISPL, and TBQUERY) and the processing that occurs within the Dialog Manager panel code. For more information, refer to Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC).
  2. When not in TEST mode, the most recently accessed panel definitions are retained in virtual storage for performance reasons. If you have modified a panel, use TEST mode to ensure that the updated version of the panel is picked up by ISPF services. See ISPF test and trace modes for more information.