File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

The ISPFTTRC command traces the processing of file tailoring services that are invoked from any screen within the current ISPF session. You can trace both the execution of file tailoring service calls (FTOPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE) and the processing that occurs within the file tailoring code and processing of each statement.

The output from the trace is written to a dynamically allocated VB (variable blocked) data set that has a record length of 255. Where the ddname ISPFTTRC is preallocated, this data set is used, providing it refers to a sequential, VB data set with a record length of at least 255.

The ISPFTTRC command starts the trace if it is not running. If the trace is already active, ISPFTTRC allows you to stop and optionally to view or edit the trace output. ISPFTTRC must be executed while ISPF is active.

The syntax of the command is:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramISPFTTRCENDVIEWLIST QUIETREAD(DetailNoneSummary)RECRECORDS(*AllNoneSrcSourceDataNODataCntlNOCntlNOSrcNOSource)SCRSCREEN(0*screen_id)SVCSERVICE(DetailNone)SKLSKELSKELETON(*skel_nameskel_mask)TBVTBVARS(DetailNone)


Terminates the trace if it is active. No attempt is made to edit or view the trace data set.
Terminates the trace if it is active and views the trace data set. If an allocation for the DD ISPFTTRC is present, this data set is viewed. SYSOUT data sets are not supported.

When VIEW is unable to locate the trace data set, it performs the LIST processing and displays the list of panel trace data sets.

The file tailoring trace command invokes the Data Set List Utility to display file tailoring trace data sets.
Where the user's prefix is not blank, the data set list displayed is for data sets of the form:
Otherwise, the data set list displayed is for data sets of the form:
Prevents trace initialization and termination messages being displayed. Error messages continue to be displayed on the screen.
Controls the generation of trace records when a skeleton member is being read into memory.
No trace records are produced during the read processing.
Generates summary information, including where the skeleton was loaded from (either an ISPSLIB or LIBDEF data set), and the number of records read.
Generates the same information as for the summary trace, but includes the skeleton source. This is the default setting.
Controls the generation of trace records during record processing of the skeleton member.
*, All
Generates trace records for all skeleton record processing. Either form of this parameter can only be specified by itself, and not with any of the other RECORDS parameter values.
Generates no trace records for any of the skeleton record processing. This parameter can only be specified by itself and not in conjunction with any of the other RECORDS parameter values.
Generates trace records for the source skeleton record. This is performed before any processing is done to determine if it is a data or control record.
Generates trace records for the data records. This is performed after record processing has completed.
Generates trace records for the control statements. This is performed after record processing has completed.
Turns off the generation of trace records for the source skeleton records.
Turns off the generation of trace records for the data records.
Turns off the generation of trace records for the control statements.
Controls the generation of trace records based on the screen ID.
Generate trace records for the all logical screens. This is the default.
Generate trace records for the current screen ID.
Generate trace records only for the logical screen ID as specified. The screen ID is a single character in the range 1-9, A-W.
Controls the generation of trace records for the file tailoring service calls, namely OPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE.
No trace records are produced during the service call processing.
Generates trace records for the OPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE service calls, showing all the parameters. A trace record is produced both before and after the call processing, with the post record showing the return code from the service. This is the default setting.
Controls the generation of trace records based on the skeleton name.
*, All
Generate trace records for all skeletons. This is the default.
Generates trace records only for the skeleton name as specified.
Generates trace records for skeletons matching skel_mask. The mask can contain % to represent a single character or * to represent any number of characters.
Note: File tailoring service calls (OPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE) continue to be traced for all skeleton processing, regardless of the skel_name or skel_mask parameter specified.
Used on a )DOT control word to display key variables and named variables on each iteration through the table.
No trace records are produced during )DOT processing.
Generates trace records for the )DOT control word, displaying key variables and named table variables on each iteration. Extension variables are not displayed. This is the default setting.
  1. Where neither the END nor VIEW parameters are provided, the file tailoring trace is started if it is not already active, otherwise the trace is stopped and where possible you are put into an edit session with the trace output.
  2. When the file tailoring trace is already active, only the END and VIEW parameters have any effect on the command. All other valid parameters are ignored. If invalid parameters are entered the command terminates without starting to process the trace.
  3. The file tailoring trace can be controlled from a REXX exec by adding lines similar to the following at the appropriate locations in the exec: