z/OS UNIX: Add the /global directory to the sysplex root file system


In V2R3, a new directory, /global, is available in the version root and sysplex root. It can be used to store and maintain a single copy of configuration files or mount points of program products that can be referenced by all members of the sysplex. Prior to V2R3, individual copies of the same configuration file had to be maintained in each member of the sysplex.

Table 1 provides more details about this migration action. Use this information to plan your changes to the system.

Table 1. Information about the /global directory migration action
Element or feature: z/OS UNIX System Services.
When change was introduced: V2R3.
Applies to migration from: z/OS V2R2 and z/OS V2R1.
Timing: Before the first IPL of z/OS V2R3.
Is the migration action required? Yes, if you have a sysplex root within a shared file system environment.
Target system hardware requirements: None.
Target system software requirements: In z/OS V2R3, the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS base element uses the /global directory for configuration information. See related migration action IBM Knowledge Center uses /global by default.
Other system (coexistence or fallback) requirements: None.
Restrictions: None.
System impacts: None. Usage of the /global directory is intended to have most value in a sysplex environment, but use in a single system environment (non-sysplex) is still supported and might be helpful in maintenance of the system.
Related IBM® Health Checker for z/OS® check: None.

Steps to take

If you are using a sysplex root file system, take the following actions:
  1. Rerun the sample REXX EXEC SYS1.SAMPLIB(BPXISYS1) to update the sysplex root, making system installation-specific adjustments. Running the EXEC will create the /global directory in the sysplex root. You do not need to run any sample jobs to create /global in the version root (or root) for a non-sysplex environment because ServerPac will provide that directory during installation.
    1. Alternatively, a system programmer can run the MKDIR command to add the /global directory with permission bits 7,5,5 to an existing sysplex root.
    2. At this time, you can also remove an obsolete directory called /..., after verifying that it is an empty directory. This directory was used by DCE, which is no longer shipped in z/OS.
    3. If applicable, ensure that the same updates are also made to the alternate sysplex root.
  2. Create a file system that will be mounted on the /global directory.
  3. As necessary and as instructed, create additional mount points (and file systems) for exploitation by z/OS functions under /global.

Reference information

For other use cases of /global, such as convenient access to program products across the entire sysplex, see z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.