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MVS™ supports multilevel security by providing the following support:
  • All console operators must LOGON before issuing any commands.
  • All operator commands are auditable.
  • All accesses to named protected objects from operator commands are audited.
  • Only users defined to RACF® are allowed to access MVS.
  • The use of terminals, printers, and other unit record equipment is controlled through RACF.
  • The security administrator can restrict the use of particular commands to a particular operator at a specific console
Note: The Hardware Management Console (HMC) and support element console both allow entry of z/OS® operator commands, but neither supports the MVS LOGON command. Therefore there is no operator accountability when an operator uses these consoles.
Guidelines: You must take extra care to protect these consoles:
  • Use physical security (for example, place them in a locked room)
  • Limit distribution of passwords for these consoles
  • Use these consoles for z/OS operation only in an emergency

For more information about the Hardware Management Console and the support element, see S/390® Hardware Management Console Operations Guide, GC38-0470.