Identifying server requirements

z/OS® V2R3 is supported on the following IBM Z® servers:
  • IBM® z14™ (z14)
  • IBM z13® (z13®)
  • IBM z13s™ (z13s)
  • IBM zEnterprise® EC12 (zEC12)
  • IBM zEnterprise BC12 (zBC12)
z/OS V2R3 is not supported on the following servers:
  • IBM zEnterprise 196 (z196)
  • IBM zEnterprise 114 (z114)
  • IBM System z10® Enterprise Class (z10 EC)
  • IBM System z10 Business Class (z10 BC)
  • IBM System z9® Enterprise Class (z9 EC)
  • IBM System z9 Business Class (z9 BC)
  • IBM eServer™ zSeries 990 (z990)
  • IBM eServer zSeries 890 (z890)
  • IBM eServer zSeries 900 (z900)
  • IBM eServer zSeries 800 (z800).
For IBM z14 models M01 through M05, z/OS V2R3, z/OS V2R2, and z/OS V2R1 support up to 170 processors configurable as general purpose processors (CPs), zIIPs, IFLs, ICFs, or optional SAPs. The sum of CPs and zIIPs configured in a single z/OS LPAR cannot exceed:
  • 170 on z/OS V2R1 or later in non-SMT mode
  • 128 on z/OS V2R1 or later in SMT mode.

For the IBM z14 Model ZR1, z/OS V2R3, z/OS V2R2, and z/OS V2R1 support up to 30 processors configurable as CPs, zIIPs, IFLs, ICFs, or optional SAPs. The sum of CPs and zIIPs configured in a single z/OS LPAR cannot exceed 30 on z/OS V2R1 or later (in either SMT or non-SMT mode).

For the z13 and z13s™ servers, z/OS V2R3, z/OS V2R2, and z/OS V2R1 (with PTFs) support the following maximum number of processors per LPAR:
  • Up to 141 processors per LPAR, if the partition is IPLed in non-simultaneous multi-threading (non-SMT) mode.
  • Up to 213 threads per LPAR, if the partition is IPLed in simultaneous multi-threading (SMT) mode.
For other IBM servers, z/OS supports:
  • Up to 100 processors per LPAR on the zEC12.
  1. z/OS V2R3 must be IPLed in z/Architecture® mode.
  2. The total number of processors that are defined in a z/OS LPAR is the sum of general purpose processors (CPs), zIIPs, IFLs, ICFs, or optional SAPs.
  3. The z14™, z13, and z13s servers do not support the IBM zEnterprise Application Assist Processor (zAAP).
  4. Coupling Facility Levels (CFLEVELs) have hardware and software requirements. For more information, see Coupling Facility Level (CFLEVEL) Considerations.