Direct output to an IP PrintWay printer by specifying the printer definition name

These examples show how to direct an output data set to an IP PrintWay™ printer by specifying the printer definition name.

Because these examples do not specify retry values, retention periods, or the name of an options component, IP PrintWay uses the values that are defined by your administrator in this printer definition. If these values are not defined in the printer definition, IP PrintWay uses the standard defaults that are described in JCL parameters.

  1. In this example, the OUTPUT statement specifies the printer definition name myprinter.
    //PWAYJOB1 JOB …
    //OUTDS    OUTPUT CLASS=P,FSSDATA='printer=myprinter'
    //DD1      DD SYSOUT=(,),OUTPUT=(*.OUTDS)
  2. In this example, the OUTPUT statement specifies the printer definition name myprinter and IP address IP PrintWay uses this IP address instead of the address that is defined in myprinter. It uses the rest of the information in the myprinter printer definition.
    //PWAYJOB2 JOB …
    //OUTDS    OUTPUT CLASS=P,FSSDATA='printer=myprinter',DEST='IP:'
    //DD1      DD SYSOUT=(,),OUTPUT=(*.OUTDS)