Abstract for Infoprint XT for z/OS

Purpose of this information

This information describes how to use IBM® Infoprint XT Version 3 Release 3 for z/OS® (hereafter referred to as Infoprint XT).

Infoprint XT, which uses the IBM Xerox transform (XT) technology, runs on z/OS Version 2.2 or later operating system. Before using this document, you should ensure that the Infoprint XT installation is complete as described in the Program Directory for IBM Infoprint XT for z/OS , GI11-9495.

Who should read this information

This information applies to these audiences:
  • The system programmer who is responsible for performing the product configuration and running the installation verification procedure (IVP).
  • The system programmer who is responsible for copying the original Xerox resources into partitioned data sets (PDSs) on z/OS. The system programmer also configures and customizes the Infoprint XT environment, as required. For example, the system programmer completes tasks for using Infoprint Server in conjunction with Infoprint XT.
  • The job submitter who submits Xerox jobs on z/OS for processing by Infoprint XT.

Related information

For additional information about z/OS, see the z/OS web page at: