Updating z/OS for the Cloud Portal plug-in

IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS includes a sample marketplace, which makes software services available to marketplace consumers, and also includes functions for marketplace administrators. The sample marketplace is created when you enable the z/OSMF Cloud Portal plug-in on your system. Doing so adds the Marketplace and Marketplace Administration tasks to the z/OSMF navigation area.

The Cloud Portal plug-in is provided as-is, and is intended as a sample for learning purposes only.

Creating SAF authorizations for the marketplace tasks

To enable the z/OSMF Cloud Portal plug-in on your system, ask your security administrator to create the authorizations shown in Table 1.

Table 1. User authorization requirements for the marketplace tasks
Resource class Resource name Who needs access? Type of access required Why
ZMFAPLA <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.IBM_CLOUDPORTAL .MARKETPLACE. CONSUMER Marketplace consumers and marketplace administrators READ Allows the user to use the marketplace to provision and manage software services.
ZMFAPLA <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.IBM_CLOUDPORTAL .MARKETPLACE. ADMIN Marketplace administrators READ Allows the user to control which services are published to the marketplace, and manage the services to which marketplace consumers have subscribed.
ZMFAPLA <SAF-prefix>.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING .SOFTWARE_SERVICES Marketplace consumers and marketplace administrators READ Allows the user to access the Software Services task.

Creating role-based authorizations for the marketplace tasks

To perform tasks in the marketplace, users require the following authorizations:
  • To associate a domain with the marketplace, the user must be defined to the domain, as either a domain administrator or a consumer.
  • To publish services to the marketplace, the user must be defined as either a domain administrator or a consumer in the domain that is associated with the marketplace.
  • To subscribe to a published service, the user must be permitted to the template that is associated with the service.

Adding or removing the marketplace tasks

The Cloud Portal plug-in is included with z/OSMF in the following location:
To add the marketplace tasks to z/OSMF, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Import Manager task in z/OSMF
  2. Specify the following properties file as input:
  3. Click Import.
Later, if you want to remove the marketplace tasks from z/OSMF, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Import Manager task in z/OSMF
  2. Specify the following properties file as input:
  3. Click Import.

For more information, see the online help for the Import Manager task.

Configuring the marketplace tasks

When you access the marketplace for the first time, you are prompted as a marketplace administrator to supply information about the marketplace domain and its published services.

Specifically, you must provide the following information:
  • On the Settings tab, specify the domain name for the marketplace. Specify one domain name only. Changing the domain name causes the deletion of any services that are published to the marketplace.

    Also on the Settings tab, you can indicate whether instances that are provisioned outside of the marketplace can be displayed in the My Subscriptions tab and Manage Subscriptions tab for marketplace consumers. By default, only entries that are provisioned in the marketplace can be displayed to marketplace consumers.

  • On the All Services tab, select which services are to be published to the marketplace. You can add any of the templates that are listed in the Published Service Catalog to which you are permitted in the domain for the marketplace.

Creating and managing subscriptions

When a service is published, marketplace consumers can subscribe to it, which causes the service to be provisioned. In the Marketplace task, consumers can use the All Services tab to subscribe to any services to which they are permitted.

The marketplace provides the following functions for viewing and managing subscriptions:
  • On the My Subscriptions tab, marketplace consumers can view their subscriptions. The tab shows which services are provisioned both within and outside of the marketplace, and allows consumers to take actions on the services.
  • On the Manage Subscriptions tab, marketplace administrators can view all subscriptions in the marketplace domain to which they are permitted. The tab allows the administrator to manage the services to which marketplace consumers have subscribed.

Note that the All Services tab has different functions, depending on whether you access the tab as a consumer (from the Marketplace task) or an administrator (from the Marketplace Administration task). In the Marketplace Administration task, the All Services tab allows the user (an administrator) to select which services are to be published to the marketplace.

Modifying the Cloud Portal plug-in

The Cloud Portal plug-in is provided as-is; you can modify it according to your needs. If you want to modify the plug-in, you should copy the plug-in to a local directory, and make changes to the copy.

To copy the plug-in to another directory, you can use a command like the following, where /myuserdir is a local directory of your choice:
cp –R /usr/lpp/zosmf/samples/cloudportal /myuserdir/
To add or remove the modified Cloud Portal plug-in from z/OSMF, you can use the Import Manager task, as described in Adding or removing the marketplace tasks. As input, specify the following properties file: