The APPCCMD CONTROL=RCVEXPD, QUALIFY=ANY|IANY macroinstructions receive expedited information that is available from any conversation whose expedited information mode is continue-any.

The QUALIFY=ANY macroinstruction waits for expedited information to arrive on a conversation in continue-any mode to satisfy the macroinstruction request. If expedited data is available, then the application must receive the entire amount of expedited data available.

The QUALIFY=IANY macroinstruction does not wait for expedited information to arrive on a conversation to satisfy the macroinstruction request, but immediately receives any expedited information available. If expedited information is not available on any conversation in continue-any mode, an RCPRI, RCSEC combination of (X'0000',X'0008') NO_IMMEDIATELY_AVAILABLE_INFORMATION is returned to the application.

If the length of the area specified by the application is not sufficient to receive all the expedited data available, an RCPRI, RCSEC combination of X'002C', X'0008', PARAMETER_ERROR—SUPPLIED_LENGTH_INSUFFICIENT, is returned to the application.