Sending information

The transaction program initiating a normal deallocation of a full-duplex conversation enters RECEIVE_ONLY state. Therefore, it can no longer send information.

The transaction program receiving the deallocation request enters SEND_ONLY state. This transaction program can continue to send information until it decides to end the conversation by issuing an APPCCMD CONTROL=DEALLOC, QUALIFY=FLUSH|DATAFLU macroinstruction.

Most of the decisions involved in sending information with a deallocation macroinstruction are the same as for sending information with a CONTROL=SEND macroinstruction. For general information on sending information, see Sending information.

Because sending of information is no longer allowed if the DEALLOC macroinstruction completes successfully, the data sent must complete a logical record. VTAM® checks for the end of the record and fails the macroinstruction if the data does not complete a logical record.