Program initialization parameters (PIP) data

Program Initialization Parameters (PIP) data is a means of presenting data to the partner's transaction program as part of the conversation initialization. PIP data is described in the SNA Transaction Programmer's Reference Manual for LU Type 6.2 as Send PIP Data (241) and Receive PIP Data (242).

For the application to send PIP data to the partner, it must accompany the FMH-5 when the APPCCMD CONTROL=ALLOC macroinstruction is issued. The application is responsible for:
  • Constructing the PIP data properly. See the FM5PIPFM structure contained in the ISTFMH5 structure for the proper values allowed in the PIP GDS variable X'12F5'.
  • Indicating in the FMH-5 that the PIP data is attached. Set FM5PIPPR=B'1'.

On the receiving side, the PIP data is not received with the FMH-5 data. After issuing an APPCCMD CONTROL=RCVFMH5, if the FMH-5 indicates that the PIP data is attached (FM5PIPPR=B'1'), then the first APPCCMD CONTROL=RECEIVE will receive the PIP GDS variable X'12F5'.

See PIP data field for more information about building PIP data on a conversation allocation request.